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Flashed X Performance to XZ's. Won't boot, and cannot flash it again.

X Performance XZs XZ brick flashmode wont flash blinking green light

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#1 OFFLINE   danijel


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Posted 04 February 2018 - 23:31

I was flashed X Perf. to XZ's and won't work. flash mode too cannot work, only blinking green light, like a boot into flashmode and connect to pc, over and over. and nothing. pc don't see any device, like i did not booted into flashmode.
fastboot working, unlocked after bootloader, can flash, but wont flash custom rom, says size too large, before is flash properly already file.
i can erase all, can format all, twrp won't work properly. but can flash custom rom. when i flash rom, device gonna reboot over and over. and won't boot on.
i think maybe problem is in root memory of the phone, where is basic informations for next systems and data's. maybe if can someone backup all of that data's, and share, we can ressurrect our x per. who have same problem...
i don't know. if sombody knows how to ressurrect anwer there, or any help.
thanks for all

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 06 February 2018 - 03:52

Of course it won't work. Why would you think that it will work? Two completely different phones. Most likely you've killed boot in your phone and to fix that you need service software. That can't be done for free. I can try to fix your phone online for 15$ usd (payable via paypal) if you have internet speed at least 2mpbs, windows vista or newer, usb cable and charged battery in your phone (50% is minimum). If you are interested, contact me on skype: gen.jurij.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: X Performance, XZs, XZ, brick, flashmode, wont flash, blinking green light

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