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XZ Kagura F8331 in EDL mode - try to recovery (test point...qusb_bulk)

sony xz edl recovery bricked

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#1 OFFLINE   Balerion


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 03:23

Hello to everyone!
my Sony XZ Kagura it doesn't work anymore, it looks bricked.
It has the original firmware on (Android 8.0) at the moment (the bootloader is unlocked).
it does not go into fastboot, nor recovery, nor adb, and when I attach it to the charger not even the led lights up.
Emma just doesn't see him.
Flashtool sees it but with debugging off
Windows sees the device as QUSB__BULK, but in a test it saw it as a SOMC flash device.
In this way I was able to use the S1 Tool program by connecting the "test points" on the motherboard (with a clip), to attempt a recovery in EDL mode, but S1 Tool after recognizing the device stops in the procedure saying "not supported".
for knowledge before it finally freezes days ago, the blue notification LED flashed a few times and then nothing.
has anyone had this problem? thanks to who will answer.

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 23 February 2022 - 19:07



Your phone is not supported by s1 tool at all, and because it's based on Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 8996 there is nothing you can do with testpoint at all.


How exactly did you bricked your phone? If your phone is on warranty, you can send it to Sony service centre for repair. If not, good service centre may help and main board swap i guess if you damaged main board somehow.


Best regards,



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#3 OFFLINE   Balerion


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Posted 24 February 2022 - 23:11

Thank you, 
I feared this answer about compatibility, I was hoping someone had the same problem
no unfortunately it is old now, and I only use it for testing.
It was simply charging and I didn't do anything, I saw that the notification led blinked 3 times with blue color and then it never came back on.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: sony xz, edl, recovery, bricked

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