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[English] Tutorial how to unbrick and update boot in Sony Xperia SP C5303

Boot Repair Update Sony Xperia SP C5303 Sony Xperia

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186 replies to this topic

#61 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 16 April 2015 - 22:44

Can you show me flashing log? Are you sure that it's C5303 not C5302 and you are using S1 EMERGENCY mode and connecting testpoint properly?

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#62 OFFLINE   bigboy85


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 15:33

Can you show me flashing log? Are you sure that it's C5303 not C5302 and you are using S1 EMERGENCY mode and connecting testpoint properly?


I used flashtool to flash it i don´t know where it saves logs but here is setool´s identify log before all



15/04/2015 04:32:55 p.m. RUNNING v 1.1411/01.15/UNI

15/04/2015 04:32:55 p.m. CARD SERIAL 001xxxxx
15/04/2015 04:32:55 p.m. USBFLASH DRIVER VERSION 
15/04/2015 04:33:11 p.m. SIGNED MODE (USING SERVER)
15/04/2015 04:33:11 p.m. CFG:100000000000
15/04/2015 04:33:12 p.m. PLEASE ATTACH TURNED OFF PHONE NOW
15/04/2015 04:33:12 p.m. PRESS AND HOLD "BACK" OR "VOLUME DOWN" BUTTON ...
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m. RUNNING S1_BOOT VER "R11B023"
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m. ACTIVE_COMP_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m. HWCONF_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m. LOADER_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m. BOOT_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:20 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. DEVICE ID: B8CDD103
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. FLASH ID: "0000/00000000"
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. LOADER VERSION: "R5A058"
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. PHONE IMEI : 35581005418943
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. MODEL (from GDFS): C5303
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. SOFTWARE VERSION: 1269-3538_12.1.A.0.266
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. CUSTOM VERSION: 1271-7710_R2B
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. FILESYSTEM VERSION: GLOBAL-LTE_12.1.A.0.266
15/04/2015 04:33:24 p.m. SERIAL NO: YT910CP1BK
15/04/2015 04:33:25 p.m. Elapsed: 14 secs.
15/04/2015 04:33:29 p.m. SIGNED MODE (USING SERVER)
15/04/2015 04:33:29 p.m. CFG:100000000000
15/04/2015 04:33:29 p.m. Will backup GDFS now.
15/04/2015 04:33:29 p.m. PLEASE ATTACH TURNED OFF PHONE NOW
15/04/2015 04:33:29 p.m. PRESS AND HOLD "BACK" OR "VOLUME DOWN" BUTTON ...
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m. RUNNING S1_BOOT VER "R11B023"
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m. ACTIVE_COMP_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m. HWCONF_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m. LOADER_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m. BOOT_AID : 0001
15/04/2015 04:33:35 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:38 p.m. DEVICE ID: B8CDD103
15/04/2015 04:33:38 p.m. FLASH ID: "0000/00000000"
15/04/2015 04:33:38 p.m. LOADER VERSION: "R5A058"
15/04/2015 04:33:38 p.m.  
15/04/2015 04:33:38 p.m. PHONE IMEI : 35581005418943
15/04/2015 04:33:49 p.m. Trim area read done,"E:\SETOOL\v1.1411\gdfs\ta_35581005418943.zip" written
15/04/2015 04:33:49 p.m. Phone detached
15/04/2015 04:33:49 p.m. Elapsed: 20 secs.

and then flashed this firmware: 


C5303_Customized UK_1272-4687_12.1.A.1.205_R8B



Edited by bigboy85, 17 April 2015 - 15:35.

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#63 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 17 April 2015 - 20:41

If you have Setool2 box, why do you use crappy flashtool? Anyway - if all you've done was flash, reflash using Setool2 / s1tool should fix your phone.


1. Try to start flash / identify procedure using Setool2. If phone can't be detected by program and it's detected as ZEUS flash device - at least boot damaged. However that it's impossible to damage using flash procedure... I have no idea what was inside of your .ftf file but... If boot is damaged:


2. Follow this thread and try to flash your phone in S1 EMERGENCY mode. Here is Sony Xperia SP testpoint location: http://sony.yt/topic...303/#entry43752 .


3. If that will not help, you can try older S1tool version: Attached File  s1tool08072014.zip   3.28MB   1656 downloads



If that will not help, buy working Xperia SP with broken LCD and swap main board.

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


Więcej informacji, Cennik | More information, Price list GG: 1793684 Skype: gen.jurij

#64 OFFLINE   terrificdevil


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 13:03



Long story short my sister upgraded to iphone so she left her xperia SP (C5302) untouched for two days, which somehow drained all the battery ( i know it because LED blinked three times when I pressed power button). So I left it to charge for 3 hours using a wall charger & then following happened:


  1. Sony logo came up.
  2. Sony Auto repair mode activated. (Phone was perfectly working earlier).
  3. The Sony rainbow wave kept on coming for hours.
  4. A message popped up ?Process system is not responding? with option ?wait? & ?continue?. I chose continue.
  5. Phone was stuck on that screen for half an hour. Then I decided to switch off the pone normally. Power off popup screen came and screen froze on it for hours.
  6. Then the process restarted and it has been the same way no matter what i try.

Solutions that I?ve already tried:


  1. Repairing using Sony PC companion. Progress stay stuck at same point on all three of my PCs and then errors shows up. ( tried on windows 8.2/xp sp3/Windows 7 64bit).
  2. Repairing using Flashtool. Everything gets loaded successfully but no progress has ever taken place. Even left it for a day but my phone?s battery died yet not flashed. Tried it on windows 7 and XP-SP3, with three different ?*.ftf?. windows 8.1 is still pending.
  3. I installed EMMA. It detects my device pretty well but as it is not rooted nothing further happens.
  4. Installed all drivers prescribed in flashtool successfully. Reinstalled them after reinstalling flashtool and PC companion.
  5. Tried rooting only kernel but didn?t work. It stayed stuck as well.
  6. Updated java.
  7. Took phone apart and pulled the battery ribbon out and repeated step 1-4. Still no success.


Any type of suggestions/help is really appreciated.



when i Tried S1TOOLS i get the following error.:


10-May-15 5:07:45 PM Welcome to S1 tool.
10-May-15 5:07:45 PM That is small and crippled subset of SETOOL2 service tool.
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM  
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM X10 Xperia,E10 Mini,E15 Xperia X8,U20 Mini Pro
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM LT15 Xperia ARC,MT15 Xperia NEO,R800 Xperia PLAY
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM PRESS AND HOLD "BACK" BUTTON...
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM  
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM ST18 Xperia RAY,ST15 Xperia Mini,SK17 Xperia Mini Pro
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM and Sony Xperia phone
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM PRESS AND HOLD "Volume Down" BUTTON...
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM  
10-May-15 5:08:16 PM Waiting for phone ...
10-May-15 5:08:32 PM  
10-May-15 5:08:32 PM RUNNING S1_BOOT VER "R11B023"
10-May-15 5:08:32 PM LOADER AID: 0001
10-May-15 5:09:02 PM can't get S1 command header
10-May-15 5:09:02 PM Elapsed:46 secs.


Edited by terrificdevil, 10 May 2015 - 13:05.

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#65 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 20:47

Can you show me log from flashtool?

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


Więcej informacji, Cennik | More information, Price list GG: 1793684 Skype: gen.jurij

#66 OFFLINE   terrificdevil


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 21:38

Thanks for the interest. Here are the Logs: Actually multiple logs:


26/027/2015 22:27:06 - INFO  - Flashtool Version built on 14-02-2015 15:30:00
26/027/2015 22:27:06 - INFO  - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
26/027/2015 22:27:08 - INFO  - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
26/027/2015 22:27:08 - INFO  - Strategy firefox failed trying next one : No Firefox installation found
26/027/2015 22:27:08 - INFO  - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
26/027/2015 22:27:09 - INFO  - Syncing devices from github
26/027/2015 22:27:09 - INFO  - Scanning devices folder for changes.
26/027/2015 22:27:41 - INFO  - Pulling changes from github.
26/027/2015 22:27:46 - INFO  - Devices sync finished.
26/027/2015 22:27:51 - INFO  - Device disconnected
26/030/2015 22:30:04 - INFO  - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia SP (C5302). FW release : 12.1.A.1.205. Customization : C5302
26/030/2015 22:30:04 - INFO  - Preparing files for flashing
26/031/2015 22:31:17 - INFO  - Please connect your device into flashmode.
26/032/2015 22:32:29 - INFO  - Device connected in fastboot mode
26/032/2015 22:32:46 - INFO  - Device disconnected
26/033/2015 22:33:03 - INFO  - Device connected in flash mode
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  - Opening device for R/W
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  - Reading device information
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  - Current device : C5302 - CB51243093 - 1272-1094_R2B - 1269-3538_12.1.A.1.205 - INDIA-HSPA_12.1.A.1.205
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  - Start Flashing
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  - Processing loader.sin
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  -     Checking header
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  -     Flashing data
26/033/2015 22:33:04 - INFO  - Processing of loader.sin finished.
26/033/2015 22:33:06 - INFO  - Loader : S1_Root_7054 - Version : R5G006 / Boot version : R11B023 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE




This is when my battery died when i left it over night:


01/046/2015 18:46:12 - INFO  - Flashtool Version built on 14-02-2015 15:30:00
01/046/2015 18:46:12 - INFO  - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
01/046/2015 18:46:14 - INFO  - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
01/046/2015 18:46:14 - INFO  - Strategy firefox failed trying next one : No Firefox installation found
01/046/2015 18:46:14 - INFO  - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
01/046/2015 18:46:14 - INFO  - Syncing devices from github
01/046/2015 18:46:15 - INFO  - Scanning devices folder for changes.
01/046/2015 18:46:52 - INFO  - Pulling changes from github.
01/046/2015 18:46:54 - INFO  - Devices sync finished.
01/047/2015 18:47:00 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/047/2015 18:47:36 - INFO  - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia SP (C5302). FW release : 12.0.A.2.254. Customization : India
01/047/2015 18:47:36 - INFO  - Preparing files for flashing
01/047/2015 18:47:37 - INFO  - Please connect your device into flashmode.
01/048/2015 18:48:09 - INFO  - Device connected in flash mode
01/048/2015 18:48:09 - INFO  - Opening device for R/W
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  - Device connected in flash mode
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  - Reading device information
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  - Current device : C5302 - CB51243093 - 1272-1094_R2B - 1269-3538_12.1.A.1.205 - INDIA-HSPA_12.1.A.1.205
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  - Start Flashing
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  - Processing loader.sin
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  -     Checking header
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  -     Flashing data
01/048/2015 18:48:10 - INFO  - Processing of loader.sin finished.
01/048/2015 18:48:11 - INFO  - Loader : S1_Root_7054 - Version : R5G006 / Boot version : R11B023 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE
01/035/2015 21:35:53 - INFO  - Ending flash session
01/035/2015 21:35:53 - ERROR - Read error :31 : A device attached to the system is not functioning. 
01/035/2015 21:35:53 - ERROR - Error flashing. Aborted
01/035/2015 21:35:53 - INFO  - Device connected in flash mode
01/035/2015 21:35:56 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/035/2015 21:35:56 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/035/2015 21:35:58 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/049/2015 21:49:12 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/049/2015 21:49:12 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/049/2015 21:49:17 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/001/2015 22:01:42 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/001/2015 22:01:42 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/001/2015 22:01:46 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/014/2015 22:14:08 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/014/2015 22:14:08 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/014/2015 22:14:12 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/026/2015 22:26:29 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/026/2015 22:26:29 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/026/2015 22:26:34 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/038/2015 22:38:50 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/038/2015 22:38:50 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/038/2015 22:38:54 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/051/2015 22:51:12 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/051/2015 22:51:12 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/051/2015 22:51:16 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/003/2015 23:03:31 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/003/2015 23:03:31 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/003/2015 23:03:36 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/015/2015 23:15:54 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/015/2015 23:15:54 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/015/2015 23:15:59 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/028/2015 23:28:18 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/028/2015 23:28:18 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/028/2015 23:28:23 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/040/2015 23:40:38 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/040/2015 23:40:38 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/040/2015 23:40:43 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/052/2015 23:52:57 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
01/052/2015 23:52:57 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
01/053/2015 23:53:02 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/005/2015 00:05:08 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/005/2015 00:05:08 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/005/2015 00:05:13 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/017/2015 00:17:24 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/017/2015 00:17:24 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/017/2015 00:17:29 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/029/2015 00:29:40 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/029/2015 00:29:40 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/029/2015 00:29:45 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/041/2015 00:41:58 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/041/2015 00:41:58 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/042/2015 00:42:03 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/054/2015 00:54:14 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/054/2015 00:54:14 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/054/2015 00:54:18 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/006/2015 01:06:22 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/006/2015 01:06:22 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/006/2015 01:06:27 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/018/2015 01:18:28 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/018/2015 01:18:28 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/018/2015 01:18:33 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/030/2015 01:30:36 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/030/2015 01:30:36 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/030/2015 01:30:41 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/042/2015 01:42:44 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/042/2015 01:42:44 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/042/2015 01:42:48 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/054/2015 01:54:53 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/054/2015 01:54:53 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/054/2015 01:54:57 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/006/2015 02:06:55 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/006/2015 02:06:55 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/006/2015 02:06:59 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/018/2015 02:18:51 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/018/2015 02:18:51 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/018/2015 02:18:55 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/030/2015 02:30:39 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/030/2015 02:30:39 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/030/2015 02:30:44 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/042/2015 02:42:22 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/042/2015 02:42:22 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/042/2015 02:42:26 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/053/2015 02:53:56 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/053/2015 02:53:56 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/054/2015 02:54:00 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/005/2015 03:05:28 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/005/2015 03:05:28 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/005/2015 03:05:32 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/016/2015 03:16:59 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/016/2015 03:16:59 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/017/2015 03:17:04 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/028/2015 03:28:29 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/028/2015 03:28:29 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/028/2015 03:28:34 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/040/2015 03:40:03 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/040/2015 03:40:03 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/040/2015 03:40:08 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/051/2015 03:51:36 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/051/2015 03:51:36 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/051/2015 03:51:40 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/003/2015 04:03:09 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/003/2015 04:03:09 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/003/2015 04:03:14 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/014/2015 04:14:39 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/014/2015 04:14:39 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/014/2015 04:14:44 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/026/2015 04:26:12 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/026/2015 04:26:12 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/026/2015 04:26:17 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/037/2015 04:37:43 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/037/2015 04:37:43 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/037/2015 04:37:48 - INFO  - Device disconnected
02/049/2015 04:49:17 - INFO  - Device connected with USB debugging off
02/049/2015 04:49:17 - INFO  - For 2011 devices line, be sure you are not in MTP mode
02/049/2015 04:49:22 - INFO  - Device disconnected



this was one more try:


01/024/2015 17:24:41 - INFO  - Flashtool Version built on 14-02-2015 15:30:00
01/024/2015 17:24:41 - INFO  - Executing search strategies to find proxy selector
01/024/2015 17:24:42 - INFO  - No proxy found for IE. Trying next one
01/024/2015 17:24:42 - INFO  - Strategy firefox failed trying next one : No Firefox installation found
01/024/2015 17:24:42 - INFO  - No proxy found for java. Trying next one
01/024/2015 17:24:42 - INFO  - Syncing devices from github
01/024/2015 17:24:42 - INFO  - Scanning devices folder for changes.
01/025/2015 17:25:04 - INFO  - Pulling changes from github.
01/025/2015 17:25:05 - INFO  - Devices sync finished.
01/025/2015 17:25:11 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/031/2015 17:31:31 - INFO  - Flash canceled
01/046/2015 17:46:21 - INFO  - Device connected in flash mode
01/047/2015 17:47:04 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/051/2015 17:51:04 - INFO  - Device connected in fastboot mode
01/051/2015 17:51:42 - INFO  - Selected system (system.img or system.sin): D:\Mobile\SP ferm\decrypted\kernel_S1-SW-LIVE-7054-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
01/051/2015 17:51:42 - INFO  - Flashing selected system
01/051/2015 17:51:42 - INFO  - Please check the log before rebooting into system
01/052/2015 17:52:01 - INFO  - Device will now exit fastboot mode and start booting into system
01/052/2015 17:52:02 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/052/2015 17:52:41 - INFO  - Device connected in fastboot mode
01/052/2015 17:52:46 - INFO  - Selected kernel (boot.img or kernel.sin): D:\Mobile\SP ferm\decrypted\kernel_S1-SW-LIVE-7054-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
01/052/2015 17:52:46 - INFO  - Flashing selected kernel
01/052/2015 17:52:46 - INFO  - sending 'boot' (8154 KB)...
01/052/2015 17:52:46 - INFO  - FAILED (remote: The Device must be rooted first)
01/052/2015 17:52:46 - INFO  - finished. total time: 0.008s
01/052/2015 17:52:46 - INFO  - FASTBOOT Output: 
 sending 'boot' (8154 KB)...
FAILED (remote: The Device must be rooted first)
finished. total time: 0.008s
01/052/2015 17:52:46 - INFO  - Please check the log before rebooting into system
01/053/2015 17:53:20 - INFO  - Selected kernel (boot.img or kernel.sin): D:\Mobile\SP ferm\decrypted\kernel_S1-SW-LIVE-7054-PID1-0002-S1-PARTITION.sin
01/053/2015 17:53:20 - INFO  - HotBooting selected kernel
01/053/2015 17:53:20 - INFO  - FASTBOOT Output: 
 creating boot image...
creating boot image - 8353792 bytes
downloading 'boot.img'...
FAILED (remote: The Device must be rooted first)
finished. total time: 0.008s
01/053/2015 17:53:46 - INFO  - Fetching connected device info
01/053/2015 17:53:46 - INFO  - Connected device info: [ PSDN:CB51243093&ZLP ]
01/054/2015 17:54:10 - INFO  - Device Status: FASTBOOT mode
01/054/2015 17:54:31 - INFO  - Selected Bundle for Sony Xperia SP (C5302). FW release : 12.0.A.2.254. Customization : India
01/054/2015 17:54:31 - INFO  - Preparing files for flashing
01/055/2015 17:55:41 - INFO  - Please connect your device into flashmode.
01/055/2015 17:55:55 - INFO  - Device disconnected
01/055/2015 17:55:59 - INFO  - Device connected in flash mode
01/055/2015 17:55:59 - INFO  - Opening device for R/W
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  - Reading device information
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  - Phone ready for flashmode operations.
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  - Current device : C5302 - CB51243093 - 1272-1094_R2B - 1269-3538_12.1.A.1.205 - INDIA-HSPA_12.1.A.1.205
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  - Start Flashing
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  - Processing loader.sin
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  -     Checking header
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  -     Flashing data
01/056/2015 17:56:00 - INFO  - Processing of loader.sin finished.
01/056/2015 17:56:01 - INFO  - Loader : S1_Root_7054 - Version : R5G006 / Boot version : R11B023 / Bootloader status : ROOTABLE



I've may such logs. if you require please let me know.


Thankyou very much. 

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#67 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 10 May 2015 - 22:21

So phone was not flashed at all. Try to perform deep hw reset. Hold volume down and power button for 120 seconds (phone may or may not vibrate during that operation). If that will not help, send your phone for warranty repair to authorized Sony service centre.

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#68 OFFLINE   terrificdevil


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Posted 11 May 2015 - 05:53

Thanks man. This forum was anyways my last resort before going to Sony service center.

Thanks Man. Keep up the good work. You inspire many others.
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#69 OFFLINE   riyadsat16


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 04:41

Welcome S1 Tool [28.02.2015].
That is small and crippled subset of SETOOL2 service tool.



llbug: [\\?\USB#VID_0FCE&PID_D17B#5&b65f817&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}] open error: "Un périphérique attaché au syst?me ne fonctionne pas correctement"
Elapsed:12 secs.

what is the problém for me lbug: [\\?\USB#VID_0FCE&PID_D17B#5&b65f817&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}] open error: "Un périphérique attaché au syst?me ne fonctionne pas correctement" 


ples hellp mee

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#70 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 23 June 2015 - 11:05

Usually that error means there is not enough power (empty battery or too weak power from usb port). When program will ask you to remove testpoint - remove it, attach battery then press testpoint ready button.

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#71 OFFLINE   xperiasp.lbl


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 15:02

''Repair steps: 

1. Firstly connect turned off bricked phone to your PC. If phone will be detected in device manager as:

qhusb_dload device

you are lucky and this is the end of the first step for you. Just disconnect phone.''



I dont understand what device manager you are talking about. Is it the PC companion or the Flashtool

X10 Xperia,E10 Mini,E15 Xperia X8,U20 Mini Pro
LT15 Xperia ARC,MT15 Xperia NEO,R800 Xperia PLAY

ST18 Xperia RAY,ST15 Xperia Mini,SK17 Xperia Mini Pro
and Sony Xperia phone

Waiting for phone ...
llbug: [\\?\USB#VID_0FCE&PID_D17B#5&112821f7&0&1#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}] open error: "Un périphérique attaché au syst?me ne fonctionne pas correctement"
Elapsed:161 secs.
somethings gone wrong.?

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#72 OFFLINE   faflak



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 15:03

for win xp: my computer/properties/equipment/device manager

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#73 OFFLINE   xperiasp.lbl


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 16:22

what about windows 7?

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#74 OFFLINE   faflak



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Posted 05 July 2015 - 17:09

start/rmb. computer/properties/device manager

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#75 OFFLINE   xperiasp.lbl


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 21:20


by the way is s1 tool meant to be used on locked bootloaders?


my one is locked.

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#76 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 05 July 2015 - 21:39

It does not matter if bootloader is locked or unlocked. The most important thing is - it must be Xperia SP C5303. C5302 variant is not supported by current S1tool version.

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#77 OFFLINE   rajoharsionk


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Posted 10 July 2015 - 16:26

Hi, I change value of mmcblk0p1 (ta partition) on my rooted C5303. after reboot phone was hardbricked. no led, no vibration, nothing. what should i do.
I tried test point method but it doesn't work.. 

here is log file:


10/07/2015 18:04:46 SELECT FIRMWARE PACKAGES
10/07/2015 18:04:48 CHECKING PACKAGES ...
10/07/2015 18:04:48
10/07/2015 18:04:48 DETACH USB CABLE FROM PHONE
10/07/2015 18:04:48 REMOVE BATTERY FROM PHONE
10/07/2015 18:04:48 ATTACH TESTPOINT
10/07/2015 18:04:48
10/07/2015 18:04:54 will use DLOAD protocol ...
10/07/2015 18:04:54 0808010600900000
10/07/2015 18:04:54 0D0F50424C5F446C6F6164564552322E30
10/07/2015 18:04:54 162001000100
10/07/2015 18:04:54 17004001000100E1507E00
10/07/2015 18:04:54 PRODUCT DETECTED: "SONY MSM8960-3 Pro OEM1 Fused"
10/07/2015 18:04:54 1801000F43240892D02F0DC96313C81351B40FD5029ED98FF9EC7074DDAE8B05CDC8E1
10/07/2015 18:04:54 PROCESSING ...
10/07/2015 18:04:55
10/07/2015 18:05:03 Emergency loader uploaded ...
10/07/2015 18:05:04
10/07/2015 18:05:04 RUNNING S1_PRELOADER VER "R5G008"
10/07/2015 18:05:04 LOADER AID: 0001
10/07/2015 18:05:04 DEVICE ID: 1167B903
10/07/2015 18:05:04 FLASH ID: "0015/00000000"
10/07/2015 18:05:04 LOADER VERSION: "R5G008"
10/07/2015 18:05:04
10/07/2015 18:05:04 WRITING PACKAGES ...
10/07/2015 18:05:04 Elapsed:18 secs.


nothing appear after flashing... please, help me

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#78 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 10 July 2015 - 18:41


Hi, I change value of mmcblk0p1 (ta partition) on my rooted C5303.


Why? Playing with Trim Area is the most stupid thing you can do. Do you have TA backup?

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#79 OFFLINE   rajoharsionk


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Posted 10 July 2015 - 19:21


Attached Files

  • Attached File  TA.zip   113.55K   32 downloads

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#80 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 10 July 2015 - 19:33

So restore it using tool you've used to create that TA backup. Or would you like me to create trim area script for S1Tool?

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Boot, Repair, Update, Sony Xperia SP, C5303, Sony, Xperia

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