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Sony Ericsson and Sony phones flash service - 8$ USD

Sony Ericsson Online Service Sony Ericsson Sony Firmware Flash Repair Android Lock Service

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 15 September 2012 - 22:13


Our online service offers you language / firmware change service in any Sony Ericsson phone with fastport or Sony Ericsson / Sony Xperia smartphone. Price is - 8$ USD only.

If you need to:

  • Change language pack in your phone,
  • Debrand your phone,
  • Rebrand your phone before sending to service for repair,
  • Upgrade or downgrade firmware in your phone,
  • Repair firmware in your phone.

That offer is for you!

Flashing procedure is very simple, but you must have:

  • Good internet connection (at least 2 megabits/second,
  • PC with Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8,
  • usb cable,
  • fully charged battery,
  • Created your own data backup because all data from your phone will be erased.

Before purchase of that service please contact me on Skype chat: gen.jurij or Personal Message. We will talk about your phone, firmware and language pack which you would like to have in your phone and you will get necessary programs to install and run. With firmware flash service you will also purchase User+ account so you will be able to download any firmware you want without limits (except 1GB transfer limit). If there is no specific firmware which you need in our forum download, please contact me and I will upload it immediately (if it will be available). If in any case service can not be done, you will get full refund of your money. We can flash online all Sony Ericsson phones with Fastport connector (also odm phones like W100 Spiro, W150 Yendo, CK13 txt, CK15 txt pro, WT13 mix walkman), almost all phones with mini USB connector and all Xperia Android phones from Sony Ericsson / Sony, including Xperia acro S LT26w, Xperia go ST27, Xperia ion LT28, Xperia S LT26, Xperia sola MT27, Xperia P LT22, Xperia U ST25, Xperia tipo ST21, Xperia tipo dual ST21i2, Xperia miro ST23, Xperia GX, Xperia SX, Xperia T LT30, Xperia V LT25, Xperia A, Xperia C, Xperia E dual, Xperia L, Xperia M, Xperia M dual, Xperia UL, Xperia SP, Xperia Z, Xperia Z Ultra, Xperia ZR, Xperia ZL, Xperia Z1, Xperia Z1s, Xperia Z1f, Xperia E1, Xperia E1 dual, Xperia M2, Xperia M2 dual, Xperia T2 Ultra, Xperia T2 Ultra dual, Xperia Z1 Compact, Xperia Z2 and many more. If you have any questions about that service, feel free to ask them on my skype or PM.

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


Więcej informacji, Cennik | More information, Price list GG: 1793684 Skype: gen.jurij

#2 OFFLINE   sasi513


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Posted 03 June 2020 - 03:38

Xperia L bricked no fastboot no flashmode only being detected as Qualcomm HS USB QD Loader 9008.
Will you repair this kind..!??
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#3 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 03 June 2020 - 19:50

It depends how did you bricked your phone.

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


Więcej informacji, Cennik | More information, Price list GG: 1793684 Skype: gen.jurij

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Sony Ericsson Online Service, Sony Ericsson, Sony, Firmware, Flash, Repair, Android, Lock, Service

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