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Firmware extraction for mobile phones based on a1 platform (DB2000, DB2010, DB2012, DB2020)

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 31 July 2012 - 17:54

Short instruction how to extract file system from firmware of mobile phones based on A1 platform (DB2000, DB2010, DB2012, DB2020).

1. Download and unrar file main2raw: Attached File  main2raw.rar   54.26K   124 downloads

2. Inside of that folder you will find two files: main2raw.exe and SEFStool4.exe. Copy here firmware file which you would like to extract.


3. Drag and drop .mbn or .fbn file on the main2raw.exe. You will get .raw file.


4. Drag and drop .raw file on the SEFStool4.exe icon. Your firmware will be extracted or in 90% cases you will get error message.


5. In case of error message make your .raw file name shorter - next step will be faster.


6. Click on start => run in your Windows and type command cmd.exe. Go to the main2raw folder and enter command:
SEFStool4.exe W850.raw
and press ENTER. Of course in place of "W850.raw" you must enter correct name of your .raw file.


Congratulations, your firmware is extracted now!

The End :)

Tutorial written for Sony.yt, copying on other websites is prohibited.

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#2 OFFLINE   dj___


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Posted 08 January 2022 - 20:01

Is it possible to extract DB2000 as well (K600/V600, K608, Z800/V802SE, Z1010)?

ok, it worked with K550im after I did it properly, but still no success with Z800 and couple of other DB2000...

Edited by dj___, 08 January 2022 - 16:49.

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#3 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 16 January 2022 - 17:46

It should work, however firmware file cannot be encrypted. So it will work for .fbn files, it won't work for any other files like .software etc.

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


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