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Setool2 lite v.1.11 - User guide: Identify, GDFS Backup, Flashing, Patching, Unlocking

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 12 May 2012 - 03:00


Setool2 lite v.1.11 it's free but powerful demo of Setool2, which work without setool2 dongle / box. It's demo so it can work only with phones based on DB2010/DB2012 CID49/50/51/52 and DB2020 CID49/51/52 platforms. Cid 53 is not supported, but you can downgrade it using our online service or use other programs for cid 53, like far manager.

This user guide contains a few parts:

1. Introduction - presentation of basic functions.
2. Identify procedure - how correctly read program log.
3. First step - GDFS backup.
4. Flashing - changing firmware.
5. DB2010/DB2020 patching - simlock remove and tuning.
6. DB2020 patching - applying Quick Access patch, patching, simlock remove.


- Before you will start, make sure that your phone is supported.
- Fully charge your battery.
- Download and install Gordon's Gate flash drivers: Attached File  ggsetup-   3.58MB   3086 downloads
- Make backup of your data from the phone using My Phone Explorer: Attached File  MyPhoneExplorer_Setup_1.8.5.exe   6.75MB   1085 downloads
- Download and run Setool2 lite v.1.11: Attached File  Setool2lite_V1.11.rar   43.03MB   2913 downloads

- All operations you will perform on your own risk.

1. Introduction - Setool2 lite v.1.11 basic functions presentation:


1. Dialog window - here will be displayed log from operation.
2. Interface - use USB.
3. Speed - set to 921600.
4. Phone model - for K770 choose K800 or other from DB2020 platform.
5. This options will be used during apllying Quick Access patch (only DB2020 platform).
6. This option will be used during patching DB2020 platform.
7. Here is place for 2 firmware files: main .mbn and file system .fbn . Make sure that you are using correct firmware for your phone model and cid version.
8. Here you can add customization package, vkp patches, scripts etc.
9. Here you can add restoration files.
10. Unlock / repair button.
11. Flash button.
12. GDFS backup button.
13. GDFS write button.
14. Button used for scripts and patches.
15. Identify button.
16. That button you should press only, when setool2 lite will ask for that.
17. That button will abort all current operations.
18. Exit button, will turn off setool2 lite.

2. Phone identify.

- turn off your phone or reinsert battery,
- press Identify button,
- hold on "C" button on your phone and connect USB cable.

If you are doing it for the first time, wait until Windows will detect your phone and install drivers. Setool2 will detect your phone automatically and show you log.

Let's analyse that.


1. IMEI - should be the same as under battery and on your phone box.
2. Flash CID and colour - very important information. During flashing procedure you must use mbn and fbn files desired for your CID. Phone should have RED colour - that's retail domain. If your phone based on DB2020 platform has lower cid than 52, you can upgrade it to 52 using for example XS++.
3. Phone model information.
4. Language package. For central Europe it is EMEA_1 (DB2010) or Central_Europe (DB2020).
5. Firmware version.
6. Information about simlock - four 0 means there is no simlock.

3. GDFS backup.

Before you will start any work with Setool2 lite, you should backup your GDFS. It's important, because if anything will go wrong, you can bring your phone to working state. If you don't have your GDFS backup, you can repair your phone in our online service.

Furthermore in GDFS you have stored phone book. If you have GDFS backup, using Setool2 full version you can extract it.

To make GDFS backup you should:

- choose correct phone model,
- press Read GDFS button,
- turn off your phone or reinsert battery,
- hold on "c", "2", "5", 2i5", "*i2" button (depends of phone model),
- when you will see "phone detached" and "READY" information you can disconnect phone.

GDFS backup is saved in main setool2 folder:


4.Flashing - firmware change.

It's very simple procedure. You can reflash your phone with any firmware desired for your phone. It's worth to flash the latest available firmware, because phone will be working quick and stable with all new features implemented by Sony Ericsson. Using that procedure you can also crossflash your phone - write firmware from other model (for example K750 @ W800 or K530 @ W660 ).


Before you will flash your phone :

- Backup all data from your phone (phone book, text messages, pictures, music, videos and other files ) using for example My Phone Explorer:Attached File  MyPhoneExplorer_Setup_1.8.5.exe   6.75MB   1085 downloads

All data in your phone will be erased during that procedure!!!

Flashing procedure:

1. Choose correct phone model.

2. Press "Add" button and add 2 firmware files:
a) Main .mbn file,
b) File system .fbn file

Make sure, that files are desired for your phone model and cid version.

3. Press three dots near Misc files and add customization package (.zip archive). If you will flash wrong custiomization after flash you will see "Contact your network provider" message. To repair that just reflash phone with correct customization.

4. Press Flash button, hold "c" button and connect turned off phone.

5. Wait about 10 minutes untill you will see READY message - after that you can disconnect phone, reinsert battery and turn on your phone:


Here is an example log from correct flahing procedure:


Using that method you can reflash any phone, supported by SeTool2 lite. Here is list of phone, that you can crossflash (use firmware from other model): http://www.sonyerics...niz-oryginalne/

If you have DB2010 phone with flash CID 36 - use GFlash:Attached File  GFlash.rar   841.72K   180 downloads

5. DB2010 / DB2012 platform patching.

Using Setool2 lite we can patch any supported DB2010/DB2012 and DB2020 Sony Ericsson phone. Patches are useful if we want to remove simlock, improve our phone functionality or protect it by password (privacy patch).

Before we will start patching DB2010/DB2012 phone, you must make sure that setool2 lite has restoration file for your phone. It is file that will "wake up" your phone after patch apply.

To check that just identify your phone:


As you can see: RESTORATION FILE NOT PRESENT - that means you must create it.

There are 2 methods:

a) Use restoration file generator which you can find in setool2 lite folder. Unfortunately it works with .ssw files only so for us it's quite useless.
b) Easier method: use restoration file maker: Attached File  RestMaker.rar   1.56MB   267 downloads . Just open your main .mbn file and create restoration file. Then copy / paste it to Setool2 lite rest folder

When you will create restoration file, identify phone again and make sure that everything is ok:



As you can see, RESTORATION FILE PRESENT, so we can go to next step - patching of your phone. To apply patch search for patches desired for your phone model and firmware. Patch must be desired for your firmware, if you will write wrong patch, your phone will not turn on. You can't write patches from other model. The only exception is when you've flashed your phone for example K750 with W800 R1BD001 firmware - then you must search for W800 R1BD001 patches .

Patches you can find as vkp file or text:

;W800 SW-R1BD001
;Zamiana białej listy w czarną listę
;turn whitelist to blacklist
;(ń) the_laser
;(p) Yar
44DE3CAC: BF41 FF43

Copy that to notepad and save with .vkp extension.

Patching procedure:

1. Choose phone model, in our case W800i
2. Press on three dots located near Misc files and add .vkp patch
3. Press Write script button
4. Connect turned off phone holding "c" button
5. Follow program instructions and when asked, press READY button.
6. After that connect turned off phone holding "c" again
7. Iff you want to apply patch, press "NO". If you want to remove patch, press "YES".
8. When you will see READY information, you can disconnect phone, reinsert battery and turn on phone.



If anything will go wrong and after that phone will not turn on:

a) make sure that restoration file was properly flashed. If no, create working one.należy się upewnić, że plik REST został prawidłowo wgrany. Jeśli nie, należy poszukać innego.
b) if patch was wrong, remove it.

Remember: in both cases you can just reflash main .mbn file - phone will be fully working after that. All patches you must apply again.

Using that method you can remove simlock. You can generate patch for simlock using that generator: Attached File  SIMLockPatchGen_v2.2.rar   255.74K   258 downloads just drag and drop main file on the program icon and patch will be created.

Attention! Every time you will reflash your phone, you have to apply all patches again (including simlock patch). If you will not do that - phone will be locked.

You can unlock your DB2010 phone with CID 49 forever using our online service.

6. DB2020 platform patching.

Here procedure is much easier, we do not have to create restoration files. All we need to do is to flash main using bypass method and apply Quick Access patch during that method.

All you need is:

- main .mbn file desired for your phone and cid,
- Quick Access patch for your main.

That package contains Quick Access patch collection for most popular DB2020 firmwares : Quick Access Pack

If there is no Quick Access patch for your firmware, you can create it using that program: Attached File  qamaker.rar   28.48K   183 downloads

Before you will start that procedure, make sure that battery is fully charged, memory card and sim card removed from your phone.

How to apply Quick Access patch:

1. Choose your phone from the list,
2. Check "Bypass DB2020 security" option,
3. Add proper main file, desired for your phone and cid,
4. In Misc files add Quick Access patch with .vkp extension, desired for your main,
5. Press flash button and connect turned off phone holding "c" button:


After a few minutes follow program instructions, then press READY.


After that connect turned off phone holding "c". Setool2 will flash main.

After few minutes Setool2 will ask if you want to remove patch. Choose "NO":


After that Quick Access patch will be written:


Since now you can patch your phone using QA method.

How to patch DB2020 phone:

1. Choose your phone model.
2. Check "Use quick access patch" option.
3. In misc files add patch desired for your phone model and firmware version.
4. Press "Write script" button and connect turned off holding "c" button.
5. When setool2 will ask if you want to remove patch, choose "NO".


Your phone is patched now :) If you want to remove patch, just repeat procedure and in fifth point choose "YES".


After each phone flash you must apply Quick Access patch again.

You can also remove simlock using that method, use Simlock Patch Generator to create unlocking patch.

If you want to remove your simlock forever or want to repair your DB2020 phone / downgrade CID to 52, you are welcome in our online service.

This user guide has been written for Sony.yt forum, copying without permission is prohibited.

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#2 OFFLINE   Adi1982


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Posted 30 April 2017 - 17:36

I did it, but my phone is still locked.


VKP file:
;Remove SIM-Lock
;© IronMaster
;(p) Remove SIM-lock patch generator v2.2
B4D174: 70B5041CAEF218F900230022011C1C20 F0B505213A22D1F7E7FC0020F0BDC046

Welcome to SEtool2 ( LITE edition ) v 1.11

ChipID:8040,EMP protocol:0301
FLASH CID detected:49
Flash ID check:897E
Flash props sent ok
OTP LOCKED:1 CID:49 PAF:1 IMEI:35331501431217 CERT:RED

MAPP CXC article: R4EA031 prgCXC1250466_GENERIC_DO
MAPP CXC version: R4EA031
Language Package:CENT_EUROPE
CDA article: CDA102576/1
CDA version: R5A
Default article: cxc1250474
Default version: R4EA031

Network LOCKED
Operator: 232-07



Elapsed:23 secs.
ChipID:8040,EMP protocol:0301
FLASH CID detected:49
OTP LOCKED:1 CID:49 PAF:1 IMEI:35331501431217 CERT:RED
PATCH:061204 1529 HAN_DB2010_MEM_PATCHER_R2A007_CXC9876543210 0
LDR:060718 0842 LIE_DB2010_FLASHLOADER_R2A003_CXC1326738
Flash ID check:897E
Flash props sent ok


Trying to launch embedded bootloader...
Flash ID check:897E
Flash props sent ok
Restore from:R4EA031_CXC1250466_GENERIC_DO
writing C:\Users\Adel\Desktop\K310_R4EA031_MAIN_GENERIC_RE D49\K310_R4EA031_MAIN_GENERIC_RED49. mbn
SSW uses dynamic hash, dynamic hash len is:304
Will flash 304 blocks...
SSW loading returns:0
Going to execute VKP script....
Starting to process VKP patch script: C:\Users\Adel\Desktop\K310_R4EA031_MAIN_GENERIC_RE D49\Remove_SIM_lock_K310_R4EA031_GENERIC.v kp
VKP script loaded OK. Lines: 6
Patch structure created OK. Determining blocks to read...
New block #0000 added: $44C80000
Blocks selected OK. Reading blocks: 1
Blocks readed to memory OK. Checking contents...
Blocks patched OK. Start writing...
Block 0 written
VKP script executed OK
Elapsed:202 secs.

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#3 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 01 May 2017 - 00:29

Reflash phone with this generic firmware, turn it on, wait for customization, turn off and try again to write this patch only. .

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#4 OFFLINE   Tanha


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Posted 24 November 2020 - 14:00



Setool2 lite v.1.11 it's free but powerful demo of Setool2, which work without setool2 dongle / box. It's demo so it can work only with phones based on DB2010/DB2012 CID49/50/51/52 and DB2020 CID49/51/52 platforms. Cid 53 is not supported, but you can downgrade it using our online service or use other programs for cid 53, like far manager.

This user guide contains a few parts:

1. Introduction - presentation of basic functions.
2. Identify procedure - how correctly read program log.
3. First step - GDFS backup.
4. Flashing - changing firmware.
5. DB2010/DB2020 patching - simlock remove and tuning.
6. DB2020 patching - applying Quick Access patch, patching, simlock remove.


- Before you will start, make sure that your phone is supported.
- Fully charge your battery.
- Download and install Gordon's Gate flash drivers:
- Make backup of your data from the phone using My Phone Explorer:
- Download and run Setool2 lite v.1.11:

- All operations you will perform on your own risk.

1. Introduction - Setool2 lite v.1.11 basic functions presentation:


1. Dialog window - here will be displayed log from operation.
2. Interface - use USB.
3. Speed - set to 921600.
4. Phone model - for K770 choose K800 or other from DB2020 platform.
5. This options will be used during apllying Quick Access patch (only DB2020 platform).
6. This option will be used during patching DB2020 platform.
7. Here is place for 2 firmware files: main .mbn and file system .fbn . Make sure that you are using correct firmware for your phone model and cid version.
8. Here you can add customization package, vkp patches, scripts etc.
9. Here you can add restoration files.
10. Unlock / repair button.
11. Flash button.
12. GDFS backup button.
13. GDFS write button.
14. Button used for scripts and patches.
15. Identify button.
16. That button you should press only, when setool2 lite will ask for that.
17. That button will abort all current operations.
18. Exit button, will turn off setool2 lite.

2. Phone identify.

- turn off your phone or reinsert battery,
- press Identify button,
- hold on "C" button on your phone and connect USB cable.

If you are doing it for the first time, wait until Windows will detect your phone and install drivers. Setool2 will detect your phone automatically and show you log.

Let's analyse that.


1. IMEI - should be the same as under battery and on your phone box.
2. Flash CID and colour - very important information. During flashing procedure you must use mbn and fbn files desired for your CID. Phone should have RED colour - that's retail domain. If your phone based on DB2020 platform has lower cid than 52, you can upgrade it to 52 using for example XS++.
3. Phone model information.
4. Language package. For central Europe it is EMEA_1 (DB2010) or Central_Europe (DB2020).
5. Firmware version.
6. Information about simlock - four 0 means there is no simlock.

3. GDFS backup.

Before you will start any work with Setool2 lite, you should backup your GDFS. It's important, because if anything will go wrong, you can bring your phone to working state. If you don't have your GDFS backup, you can repair your phone in our online service.

Furthermore in GDFS you have stored phone book. If you have GDFS backup, using Setool2 full version you can extract it.

To make GDFS backup you should:

- choose correct phone model,
- press Read GDFS button,
- turn off your phone or reinsert battery,
- hold on "c", "2", "5", 2i5", "*i2" button (depends of phone model),
- when you will see "phone detached" and "READY" information you can disconnect phone.

GDFS backup is saved in main setool2 folder:


4.Flashing - firmware change.

It's very simple procedure. You can reflash your phone with any firmware desired for your phone. It's worth to flash the latest available firmware, because phone will be working quick and stable with all new features implemented by Sony Ericsson. Using that procedure you can also crossflash your phone - write firmware from other model (for example K750 @ W800 or K530 @ W660 ).


Before you will flash your phone :

- Backup all data from your phone (phone book, text messages, pictures, music, videos and other files ) using for example My Phone Explorer:

All data in your phone will be erased during that procedure!!!

Flashing procedure:

1. Choose correct phone model.

2. Press "Add" button and add 2 firmware files:
a) Main .mbn file,
b) File system .fbn file

Make sure, that files are desired for your phone model and cid version.

3. Press three dots near Misc files and add customization package (.zip archive). If you will flash wrong custiomization after flash you will see "Contact your network provider" message. To repair that just reflash phone with correct customization.

4. Press Flash button, hold "c" button and connect turned off phone.

5. Wait about 10 minutes untill you will see READY message - after that you can disconnect phone, reinsert battery and turn on your phone:


Here is an example log from correct flahing procedure:


Using that method you can reflash any phone, supported by SeTool2 lite. Here is list of phone, that you can crossflash (use firmware from other model): http://www.sonyerics...niz-oryginalne/

If you have DB2010 phone with flash CID 36 - use GFlash:

5. DB2010 / DB2012 platform patching.

Using Setool2 lite we can patch any supported DB2010/DB2012 and DB2020 Sony Ericsson phone. Patches are useful if we want to remove simlock, improve our phone functionality or protect it by password (privacy patch).

Before we will start patching DB2010/DB2012 phone, you must make sure that setool2 lite has restoration file for your phone. It is file that will "wake up" your phone after patch apply.

To check that just identify your phone:


As you can see: RESTORATION FILE NOT PRESENT - that means you must create it.

There are 2 methods:

a) Use restoration file generator which you can find in setool2 lite folder. Unfortunately it works with .ssw files only so for us it's quite useless.
b) Easier method: use restoration file maker: . Just open your main .mbn file and create restoration file. Then copy / paste it to Setool2 lite rest folder

When you will create restoration file, identify phone again and make sure that everything is ok:



As you can see, RESTORATION FILE PRESENT, so we can go to next step - patching of your phone. To apply patch search for patches desired for your phone model and firmware. Patch must be desired for your firmware, if you will write wrong patch, your phone will not turn on. You can't write patches from other model. The only exception is when you've flashed your phone for example K750 with W800 R1BD001 firmware - then you must search for W800 R1BD001 patches .

Patches you can find as vkp file or text:

;W800 SW-R1BD001
;Zamiana białej listy w czarną listę
;turn whitelist to blacklist
;(ń) the_laser
;(p) Yar
44DE3CAC: BF41 FF43

Copy that to notepad and save with .vkp extension.

Patching procedure:

1. Choose phone model, in our case W800i
2. Press on three dots located near Misc files and add .vkp patch
3. Press Write script button
4. Connect turned off phone holding "c" button
5. Follow program instructions and when asked, press READY button.
6. After that connect turned off phone holding "c" again
7. Iff you want to apply patch, press "NO". If you want to remove patch, press "YES".
8. When you will see READY information, you can disconnect phone, reinsert battery and turn on phone.



If anything will go wrong and after that phone will not turn on:

a) make sure that restoration file was properly flashed. If no, create working one.należy się upewnić, że plik REST został prawidłowo wgrany. Jeśli nie, należy poszukać innego.
b) if patch was wrong, remove it.

Remember: in both cases you can just reflash main .mbn file - phone will be fully working after that. All patches you must apply again.

Using that method you can remove simlock. You can generate patch for simlock using that generator: just drag and drop main file on the program icon and patch will be created.

Attention! Every time you will reflash your phone, you have to apply all patches again (including simlock patch). If you will not do that - phone will be locked.

You can unlock your DB2010 phone with CID 49 forever using our online service.

6. DB2020 platform patching.

Here procedure is much easier, we do not have to create restoration files. All we need to do is to flash main using bypass method and apply Quick Access patch during that method.

All you need is:

- main .mbn file desired for your phone and cid,
- Quick Access patch for your main.

That package contains Quick Access patch collection for most popular DB2020 firmwares : Quick Access Pack

If there is no Quick Access patch for your firmware, you can create it using that program:

Before you will start that procedure, make sure that battery is fully charged, memory card and sim card removed from your phone.

How to apply Quick Access patch:

1. Choose your phone from the list,
2. Check "Bypass DB2020 security" option,
3. Add proper main file, desired for your phone and cid,
4. In Misc files add Quick Access patch with .vkp extension, desired for your main,
5. Press flash button and connect turned off phone holding "c" button:


After a few minutes follow program instructions, then press READY.


After that connect turned off phone holding "c". Setool2 will flash main.

After few minutes Setool2 will ask if you want to remove patch. Choose "NO":


After that Quick Access patch will be written:


Since now you can patch your phone using QA method.

How to patch DB2020 phone:

1. Choose your phone model.
2. Check "Use quick access patch" option.
3. In misc files add patch desired for your phone model and firmware version.
4. Press "Write script" button and connect turned off holding "c" button.
5. When setool2 will ask if you want to remove patch, choose "NO".


Your phone is patched now :) If you want to remove patch, just repeat procedure and in fifth point choose "YES".


After each phone flash you must apply Quick Access patch again.

You can also remove simlock using that method, use Simlock Patch Generator to create unlocking patch.

If you want to remove your simlock forever or want to repair your DB2020 phone / downgrade CID to 52, you are welcome in our online service.

This user guide has been written for Sony.yt forum, copying without permission is prohibited.


I have forgotten the phone lock code of my K850i. I want setool2lite to show it to me. So I used "Identify". It returned the following. I think the problem is "Can't load ID loader !". Can you help me out of this problem?
"Welcome to SEtool2 ( LITE edition ) v 1.11
supported DB2010/DB2012 CID49/50/51/52, DB2020 CID49/51/52
Loaded 51 flash descriptors
if you like LITE edition - please visit www.setool.net and buy FULL.
ChipID:C802,EMP protocol:0401
FLASH CID detected:52
skipping empty loader...
Can't load ID loader !
Elapsed:6 secs."

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#5 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 25 November 2020 - 20:55

Setool2 lite does not support A2 platform. Sony Ericsson K850 is based on DB3150 chipset, supported by A2 Tool (A2 Uploader). However there is no way to unlock this phone for free if your phone has RED certificate. If you need help with unlocking your phone, you can get help from our online service. For more details please contact me on Skype: gen.jurij.


Best regards,



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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


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#6 OFFLINE   Tanha


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Posted 26 November 2020 - 10:48

Setool2 lite does not support A2 platform. Sony Ericsson K850 is based on DB3150 chipset, supported by A2 Tool (A2 Uploader). However there is no way to unlock this phone for free if your phone has RED certificate. If you need help with unlocking your phone, you can get help from our online service. For more details please contact me on Skype: gen.jurij.


Best regards,




How much do you charge (how much is the cost) for unlocking?

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#7 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 26 November 2020 - 20:05

For more details please contact me on Skype: gen,jurij .

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#8 OFFLINE   roxetak


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Posted 30 June 2021 - 10:30

HI. I have problem to start setool 2 lite in windows 10 with windows defender.

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#9 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 13 July 2021 - 06:44

Disable all antiviruses, redownload Setool2 lite from our forum and try again.

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#10 OFFLINE   tokahoka


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Posted 20 July 2021 - 21:14

I've tried applying a patch to a W200i I have, it's a DB2012 CID52, should work according to this guide, but it refuses. I can flash new firmware, file system, custpack, but vpk doesn't work. SETool2 Lite gives an error about not reading memory.

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#11 OFFLINE   farid1991


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Posted 03 March 2022 - 10:16

I've tried applying a patch to a W200i I have, it's a DB2012 CID52, should work according to this guide, but it refuses. I can flash new firmware, file system, custpack, but vpk doesn't work. SETool2 Lite gives an error about not reading memory.

Use anycid method for patching db2012 cid 50,51,52,53
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#12 OFFLINE   Gaticoramask


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Posted 12 May 2022 - 00:57

hello. how can i get the anycid method? is there a tutorial? regards

Edited by Gaticoramask, 12 May 2022 - 00:57.

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#13 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 14 May 2022 - 20:37

hello. how can i get the anycid method? is there a tutorial? regards

It depends what phone would you like to patch. Please post more details or read the first post - the tutorial :)

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#14 OFFLINE   kuuu0


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Posted 18 November 2022 - 12:15

How can I use SE Tools lite to unlock the SE k610i?

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#15 OFFLINE   kuuu0


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Posted 19 November 2022 - 02:38

I am unable to get SETools2 Lite working on windows 10. There is no interface, thought I can see it running in the Task Manager.

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#16 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 20 November 2022 - 13:40

Try running it in Win7 compatibility mode for example. And read the tutorial to avoid questions "how to unlock" - it's written in the tutorial in the first post.

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


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#17 OFFLINE   krummschi


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Posted 22 January 2023 - 16:59

Try running it in Win7 compatibility mode for example. And read the tutorial to avoid questions "how to unlock" - it's written in the tutorial in the first post.


i have the same issue. i tried every compatibility mode and start as admin without any success. Also tried it on a completely different computer

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#18 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 23 January 2023 - 16:52

You should be able to run it on Windows 10. But if for some reason you can't do it, get a PC with Windows XP / Windows 7 and launch it there :) 

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


Więcej informacji, Cennik | More information, Price list GG: 1793684 Skype: gen.jurij

#19 OFFLINE   boringg29


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Posted 29 July 2023 - 09:14

Hi I follow all the steps but in the Phone Identify I got error Device Descriptor Request Failed.

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#20 OFFLINE   Dziki_Jam


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Posted 17 November 2024 - 22:47

> - hold on "c", "2", "5", 2i5", "*i2" button (depends of phone model),


Could someone explain what is "2i5" or "*i2" buttons?


I have SE W850i, holding C + 2 + 5 buttons made it enter "File transfer" mode, but it was not detected by SETool lite in this mode for GDFS backup.

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