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Member Since 27 Dec 2018
OFFLINE Last Active Jul 08 2021 12:46

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In Topic: Sony Ericsson W995 Firmware | Oprogramowanie

07 July 2021 - 14:48


First of all, thank you for helping me repair my W705 and for providing a properly working A2Uploader. It's my first flashing and it works!!!


Second, what's with this RED, BLUE, BROWN? If I want to have access to the system files (whether for reading via A2Uploader or USB Mass Storage or the phone itself (e.g. MiniCommander)), which one should I use? Is it okay to mix Main RED53 with a BLUE or BROWN FS?


Third, can I append anything into the custom pack if I want? Such as Allow Without Asking option for Java, custom menu layouts, custom icons, etc..


Fourth, I saw in the Service Menu Texts, there are some Windows Live Messenger things. Does this mean my W705 and W995 can access Windows Live Messenger? There's this thing called Escargot MSN which is a reverse engineered Windows Live Messenger server that anyone can host. All the clientside has to do is hex-edit the URL strings that would usually point to Microsoft's servers. I wonder if there's a chance Escargot could work with Sony Ericssons.


Fifth, during connection, I saw two extra options. Some bluetooth option and some USB Tethering option. Does this mean I could use others' Bluetooth or computer's USB internet? I kinda wanna see how far I can get internet from other things than my phone.


Thank you so much for helping me out! These firmwares are very nice!