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Member Since 01 Jun 2018
OFFLINE Last Active Dec 09 2018 16:47

Topics I've Started

Xperia Z3 Bootloader unlock code

04 June 2018 - 06:43

Is it possible to read Bootloader unlock code from device with help of qualcomm tools like qpst, qxdm or qcat?

Invalid imei number and Bootloader unlock error

01 June 2018 - 20:49

Hello, I am new to this forum and I ask for advice when unlocking the bootloader, but from the beginning. I recently bought Xperia Z3 D6603 but after checking the DRM keys it turned out that the Bootloader was unlocked and was relocked again. There is an error when I try to unlock boorloader. I checked the IMEI number by imei.info and it turned out that this number belongs to xperia Z1 or xperia Z. In the system files of my xperia I found a file with the number imei = null and the entry EIMEI I do not know what [eimei] is, but I suspect it is encrypted Imei number. if anyone knows how to deal with it, please answer. PS. sorry for a long post but I did not know how to put my situation differently. I attached the file with eimei. The entry is at the very end of the script.