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Member Since 26 Oct 2017
OFFLINE Last Active Dec 01 2017 21:48

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In Topic: Sony Xperia XA and XA dual F3111 / F3112 / F3113 / F3115 / F3116 testpoint lo...

31 October 2017 - 03:11

Hi. greeting from Mexico.

Finaly after 3 weeks I found something  that could fix my Xperia.
I flashed to NOUGAT  with FLASHTOOL and the i bricked my phone

So to repair de F3113 I need :
-Conect to ground TEST POINT 


and what else?

Tengo el mismo problema, lograste solucionarlo? Yo no cuento con la caja setool

In Topic: Sony Xperia XA and XA dual F3111 / F3112 / F3113 / F3115 / F3116 testpoint lo...

31 October 2017 - 01:02

Is it absolutely necessary to buy the setool2 box?
 my phone has a hardbrickm I totally know