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Member Since 24 Dec 2016
OFFLINE Last Active Apr 27 2020 11:33

Posts I've Made

In Topic: HDR shooter elf for C902

25 December 2016 - 23:37

made a short video about how the elf works (i needed to show it to some developers now)

Sony Ericsson C905: Taking HDR bracketed photos using HDRShooter


btw sorry for double post, i am not able to edit previous post..

In Topic: HDR shooter elf for C902

24 December 2016 - 15:28

If it helps you, here it is:


in archive you can find also CBDllConfig.elf, which I think I had to use to set the keys to be "pressed" to change EV by HDRshooter on C905.

I was still using this elf (HDRShooter) in 2016, but since I have iPhone 4S with camera+ app (which has many manual settings) , it is easier to use an iPhone. Maybe sometimes I will get newer iPhone which supports RAW imaging so I will not need to take multiple photos anymore. But they are still pretty expensive in my country and I don't think that I would need to buy new one anytime in my life (if I do not destroy the old one).