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Member Since 22 Sep 2016
OFFLINE Last Active Nov 01 2017 15:51

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Sony Xperia M2 with damaged boot how to repair

28 September 2016 - 18:39

Hi Jurij... I am using Xperia m2 device chipset Qualcomm MSM8226 . I know above S1tool is not Work for MSM8226 ( giving error Hardware id not supported ). But can you please provoide it. My Mobile bootloader is currupted when i was fashing radio.zip and After connecting to pc it detect as QHSUSB_DLOAD 9008

in newer setool2 version they added MSM8226 chipset support but for that " setool box " is needed. so is there any solution to used setool2 without Box. or S1tool for MSM8226.




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