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Member Since 06 Mar 2016
OFFLINE Last Active Jul 03 2016 05:10

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In Topic: Problems after Unbricking soft bricked Xperia zl c6506

14 March 2016 - 02:23

Thank you..i followed all the stepps you told me ..by downloading the firmware without auto unpacki changed the format to sin_file_set..and tried to flash the new appsw  i made and i got this error ..please see attatchment for log

Thank you..i followed all the stepps you told me ..by downloading the firmware without auto unpacki changed the format to sin_file_set..and tried to flash the new appsw  i made and i got this error ..please see attatchment for log

WOAH! the appsw you gave me @jurij worked like magic..please how do i get the fsp and elabel..it seems like i am downloadim\ng mine from wrong place thankyou :)

In Topic: Problems after Unbricking soft bricked Xperia zl c6506

13 March 2016 - 00:49

I downloaded the firmware .sin files form xperia firm without unpacking ..besides the three files (APP_SW,FSP AND ELABEL) I don't know what the reaming to files are ..see attached picture

In Topic: Problems after Unbricking soft bricked Xperia zl c6506

12 March 2016 - 05:21

no it said damaged file i think i screwed up when i was making my oyn apps sw fsp and elabel ..but i will try again :)

In Topic: Problems after Unbricking soft bricked Xperia zl c6506

12 March 2016 - 02:45

please i have a question .What is FSP is it a folder where i put rest of the sin files i downloaded ? so confused

I've told you what to do. You already have appsw.sin_file_set file from my tutorial. Open it using winrar and you will see what files are inside. Then create identical appsw file of this firmware version. Important - boot folder must be as a .zip archive. Then create elabel.sin_file_set file - there should be only elabel.sin file inside. And other files put into fsp.sin_file_set file :)


I think I understand it now ..but what format should I compress the files ...FSP

please i have a question .What is FSP is it a folder where i put rest of the sin files i downloaded ? so confused


I think I understand it now ..but what format should I compress the files ...FSP


never mind I figured it out :)

In Topic: Problems after Unbricking soft bricked Xperia zl c6506

11 March 2016 - 08:39

Try Xperia firmware downloader. You will download a lot of sin files. Open appsw file which you have and create e new appsw with identical content (using .sin files from the latest firmware you have downloaded). Then create elabel.sin file. Other files put into fsp and flash them in order:




2. FSP,






Try Xperia firmware downloader. You will download a lot of sin files. Open appsw file which you have and create e new appsw with identical content (using .sin files from the latest firmware you have downloaded). Then create elabel.sin file. Other files put into fsp and flash them in order:1. APPSW,2. FSP,3. ELABEL :)

?Thank you ..I downloaded a proper firmware for my device from xperia firm ..and got a lot of sin files as you said but I don't know in which order I should put them together and how to compress them together or even if I should do so ..thank you for your generosity :) the files I got are shown in the attachment