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Member Since 25 Feb 2016
OFFLINE Last Active Mar 26 2016 22:45

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Sony Z3 compact IMEI change ?

25 February 2016 - 01:51


I bought a Second hand Sony Z3 compact last christmas for my girlfriend.
Everything was great, she was quite happy, but since 4 days, the phone can't make or receive any call... data still working.
When I switch sim card, same issue in the phone...

I guess the phone had probably been blacklisted by operators... and I guess the phone could be stolen in this case...

I could go to the Police, but I'm quite sure they won't find the seller/stealer, and they will ask me to give back the phone...
I will loose my money, and the phone...

I feel bad for my girlfriend...

Do you know if there is a way to change the IMEI ?

First thing I did when I bought the phone was rooting it (I made a backup of TA partition) and installed xposed framewor.


I just tried some Xposed IMEI changer, but it does not seems to work.

I'm not even sure the real problem is blacklisted phone, but it is my first guess as data is still working, and when I try to call my girlfriend, I have an unusual message from Orange telling my my contact can't be reached, instead of just leaving a message on her mailbox...

Thank you for your help