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Member Since 20 Sep 2015
OFFLINE Last Active Sep 28 2015 20:47

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Z1s crashed twice in a row and doesnt respond

27 September 2015 - 21:13

Yea thats what i thought but with the way it stopped working i couldnt tell. Well thanks for your time and help.

In Topic: Z1s crashed twice in a row and doesnt respond

27 September 2015 - 20:16

I have tryed the off button many times for 120 secs and i get nothing. I have not found it in device manager could you tell me or show me what it could be under because when I plug it in it makes the noise for a connected device and same thing for unplug. also I found ut just now that by holding the power and volume up at the same time while its plugged into my pc that it makes it recconect

In Topic: Z1s crashed twice in a row and doesnt respond

21 September 2015 - 00:41

I don't have a warranty and the phone is unresponsive when I do that, the only kind of response I get is when I plug it into the charger and the red led lights up for a few seconds and then goes away.