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Member Since 10 Sep 2015
OFFLINE Last Active Sep 15 2015 07:02

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In Topic: TA.img convert

14 September 2015 - 11:22

Solved...broked him with a hammer...i lost 3 days trying to fix this damn phone...at least i briked it forever :))


Thanks anyway for support Jurij!

In Topic: TA.img convert

13 September 2015 - 09:18

Hold that reset button for at least 120 second, then try to connect your phone with vol-...


Same think mate...i can see it only as "Usb Input device" and the red led is blinking every 5 seconds.

also...the "Usb Input device" is connecting and disconecting on device manager every 3,4 seconds as long the phone have the usb cable connected...

In Topic: TA.img convert

12 September 2015 - 21:00

Uninstall that device, install Gordon's Gate Flash Driver: , reboot your pc, hold vol- and attach usb cable, check device manager again.

I allready have installed Gordon's gate drivers...with test point connected (with battery off) i can see it as "SEMC Flash device" and if i connect the battery (with test point removed) i see it as "USB Input device".


I will try that on another computer cause i installed alot of drivers...


Another point...if i press power and volume+ is vibrating 3 times...nothing more...the screen is black...also z3 have a reset point near the sim slot...if i press it holding the power button i got the same think...the phone is vibrating 3 times...nothing more.

Sometimes the red led is blinking when i connect the usb cable...

In Topic: TA.img convert

12 September 2015 - 10:00

Hey Jurij....so i can see it only as "USB Input device" if i connect it with volume down to computer.

In Topic: TA.img convert

11 September 2015 - 06:33

Is not my phone, it`s my brother phone. He tryed to update his firmware with a wrong version i mean...After that the phone is dead...when i attach the usb cable only the red led is blinking, also if i press PW and Volume+ the phone is vibrating 3 times.