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Member Since 20 Jun 2015
OFFLINE Last Active Aug 14 2017 02:29

Topics I've Started

ntt docomo xperia xi c5502 to use lte option

14 September 2016 - 14:30

Dear xperia masters, I would like to ask a few questions, I have xperia ntt docomo xi, which is xperia zr for Japan version. I would want my xperia for using lte band, which is available when using service menu tests, but locked when manually selected from the option menu. But I dont want to flash new c5503 firmware into my phone as i dont want to lose 32 gb rom options.

touchscreen not responding after screen lock

15 August 2016 - 09:31

hi all, i own sony xperia z, which has a problem, my touchscreen are not responding after the screen locked. sometimes after some random press to volume up and down the touchscreen are back to normal again, but often i have to restart my phone to have it back again.. i have opened my backdoor, but it seems like nothings wrong with the connector. any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. 

Sony ericsson t707 locked but forgot lock codes

26 June 2016 - 11:35

Dear all, i got urgent issues here, and i am desperately looking for an answer. I have changed my lock codes for my phone, but i forget it. Last night my sister accidentally put sim codes for my phone. Can i do something because righr now i cannot open my phone at all because of the lock.

xperia zr ear speaker keeps failing

06 June 2016 - 08:54

dear all, i have problems with my xperia zr, my ear speaker randomly failing, sometimes it happen when i have a call, somtimes it works, i have tried to change new ear speaker but the problems still persist. as i have changed from my old xperia z. so i wouldn't want my phone to broken again. any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


different imei shown, how to flash correctly

21 April 2016 - 08:23

hi, this is my second post about my phone xperia z, i am currently using different phone, so i amost forget that i am having this problems. sony have a good hardware, intuitive interface, i missed my old phone so much, that i am crazily trying to have my phone back. my problem was, i am having different imei as shown in my attachment, than the one on my phone box. previously i have post my problems here "http://sony.yt/topic...from-bootloop/"thanks to jurij, finally i know what was happen in my phone.

the odd thing was my phones new imei seems wrong, so i couldn't use my phone at all. so my questions was, can i flash any firmware so i can have my phone back again? currently i am using unbranded ftf version from xda site, and my phone was running, but it has imei null and no baseband, and when it was locked, i couldn't unlock it without randomly pressing up or down volume button.