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Member Since 07 Apr 2015
OFFLINE Last Active Jul 09 2015 07:33

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Xperia M C1904 Hard Bricked. Please help

07 April 2015 - 17:35

So i tried to install recovery on my C1904 using terminal emulator (was following a guide on XDA). But messed up with the commands. Unaware of the mistake i rebooted in order to boot into recovery but the phone went dead. So now i know its because of fcuked up emmc partitions as my wrong command tried to install recovery in some other partition. Now my PC recognize it as HS-USB QDLoader 9008.

Is there any way to bring my Xperia M back to life ? I read somewhere that the partition table can be copied from other Xperia M device. But i am not sure. If yes then what tools to use ? Please guide :(