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Member Since 05 Apr 2015
OFFLINE Last Active Jul 28 2015 23:27

Topics I've Started

Sony Xperia Z C6603 no network

23 April 2015 - 22:09

I have a sony xperia z 6603. After restoring the TA.img with S1tool, the phone can not connect to the network more. I tried to replace the radio of the phone but the problem remains. The information relating to the management of the network may be contained in the Trim area in the file TA.img? Do you have any recommendations!!!!!    :urwanie_glowy: :urwanie_glowy: :urwanie_glowy: :urwanie_glowy: :urwanie_glowy:

[Solved] Sony xperia z c6603 write trim area backup

05 April 2015 - 15:30

I have xperia z with identical problem "anwar726", see post "http://sony.yt/topic...-please-help/".How can i upload my backup TA in my xperia z? Whit backupTA software i can not because my phone in Flash Or Zuses Mode and not in ABD mode. Could you kindly help me?