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Member Since 02 Feb 2015
OFFLINE Last Active Feb 13 2015 21:50

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In Topic: [English] Tutorial how to unbrick and update boot in Sony Xperia ZL C6502 / C...

13 February 2015 - 18:38

Hello folks!
I recently got a not working Xperia ZL from a friend. He said the phone was not turning on, just a flash in the boot, and I tried to solve the problem. The phone was starting only with charger, showing the Sony logo, and then restarting indefinitely. When connected to PC, enters in flash mode for some seconds and the starts the reboots. PC Companion does not detect is, and the system was detecting it as S1 Service. Flashtool was not able to do anything either.
Unfortunately, all that I was able to find in solving the issue (I did a thorough research in xda and other sites) did not work. Until I find this place.

Following the instructions and videos in the website, I was able to open the phone, get access to the board, and using the pictures provided from @vinaytoday I found the test points, cell detected as QHUSB_DLOAD, downloaded the image from here and used S1 to do the emergency repair. All worked fine, PC Companion did locate the device and I was able to flash an image it with Flashtool.

The case is: even all being fine, the phone just maintain the same problem! After that I thought it could be battery, but I made an external recharge and all is the same. Do you guys have some clue for me to follow? The cell are not in warranty anymore so I am able to do anything with it.