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Member Since 18 Jan 2015
OFFLINE Last Active May 28 2016 16:38

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In Topic: c5302 PHONE NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS MODE in s1tool

19 January 2015 - 11:05



I'm downloading this file

In Topic: c5302 PHONE NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS MODE in s1tool

19 January 2015 - 10:27

when i try to power it on hold and pressing vol+ or vol- and power, every time the red led is blinking but there is no vibration.

leave it on the charger for 6 to 8 hours with another sony original c5302 charger but it remains same.

In Topic: c5302 PHONE NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS MODE in s1tool

19 January 2015 - 10:14

when I connect usb cable and charger it's not charging, though I don't know because there is no charging signal on screen, only red led turn on for around five minutes and turn off after a few minute for charger, and same happens

no lcd signal and red led on and turn off after a few minute and turn on if phone is connected to PC,

when i try to power it on there is no lcd signal, only the red led is blinking when I press power button.

In Topic: c5302 PHONE NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS MODE in s1tool

19 January 2015 - 09:34

but my xperia shows in device manager

In Topic: c5302 PHONE NOT SUPPORTED IN THIS MODE in s1tool

19 January 2015 - 09:12

I used different charger and try to charge it via PC and USB cable but same it remains red light and no screen


wire of my wall socket charger was like that


  • can't power on after that,
  • no lcd and red led blinking for power button,
  • no lcd and red led on and turn off after a few minute for charger,
  • no lcd and red led on and turn off after a few minute and turn on if phone is connected to PC,
  • my PC can't detect your phone with vol-,
  • phone does not vibrate when holding vol+ and power together.