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Member Since 01 Nov 2013
OFFLINE Last Active Nov 01 2013 23:05

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In Topic: DB3350 CID 80 - 81 RED patching in java ( jjpatcher tutorial )

01 November 2013 - 20:52

Duh! .... OK, thanks. So I need to spend another day on finding how to upgrade the firmware.

....great... :)

not found: You can upgrade your firmware with SEUS :)

Yeah, I tried that and it works, but the other problem (what I forgot to mention) is that I want to remove branded firmware from this phone. There is some option connected with OMNIUS, but I wanted to save those 8 Euro for daily membership ;)

not found: Aaa, I see. Just read the omnius tutorial in our Tutorials section. If you still have a problem, write a post in the proper topic :)

In Topic: DB3350 CID 80 - 81 RED patching in java ( jjpatcher tutorial )

01 November 2013 - 20:10

I know this topis has ended long time ago, but before it's closed I'd like to ask about one issue I found. By the way - I am the owner of the W20i (ZYLO) phone.
I wanted to patch it with the method described above and till the last point of this tutorial it works fine. The problem is, that when I run 'jjpatcher' I got the error:
"application uses too much memory" (aplikacja zużywa zbyt dużo pamięci)

the patches I added to the 'patches" folder are:
- Customize_w20_Central-Europe.zip

Even if I copy those files (two of them) one by one, I get the same error. For the last one I get the message, that this is BAD PATCH.

What I'm missing?

Best regards,