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Member Since 31 Aug 2011
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( PROBLEM ) [XS++] K770I z CID51, podnoszenie do CID52.

16 November 2011 - 01:48

Mam taki problem, gdyż zakupiłem dzisiaj k770i z nietypowym CID'em, a mianowicie 51 i mam problem z podniesieniem go do 52 w XS++ 3.1 oraz 3.2 .
Problem wygląda następująco:
- odpalam XS++,
- klikam "Connect"
- podłączam telefon z wciśniętym "C"
- po chwili wyskakuje mi komunikat o tym czy podnieść CID, a więc klikam "YES",
- wszystko idzie sprawnie,
- po ponownym podłączeniu telefonu pojawia się ponownie komunikat o podniesieniu CID'a i tak w kółko.

Oto logi z XS++:
01:46:04| XS++ v3.1 (Darwin) Ready !
01:46:04| Executed on Microsoft Windows Vista
01:46:08| Attempting to open the interface...
01:46:08| TURN OFF PHONE!
01:46:08| Hold 'C' button on phone and connect phone NOW.
01:46:08| You have 30 seconds...
01:46:12| Baseband ID: 9900
01:46:12| Protocol Version: 3.1
01:46:12| Warning: IMEI name does not match GDFS name (IMEI:NULL GDFS:K770)
01:46:12| ...using GDFS name
01:46:12| Profiling SEMC phone...
01:46:12| Platform: DB2020
01:46:12| OTP CID: 51
01:46:12| EROM CID: 51
01:46:12| EROM Color: Red
01:46:12| IMEI: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
01:46:12| Phone ID: K770
01:46:12| Region: VFE_LIVE_2
01:46:12| CDA: 1202-4294   R6A
01:46:12| Firmware Version: R8AC001
01:46:12| EROM: R3A099
01:46:12| Ready for operation!
01:46:15| Sending db2020_cid01_prodid_p3j.bin...
01:46:15| Applet ID: 070129 0950 NGUCXC1250330_DB2020_PRODUCTIONIDLOADER_P3J
01:46:15| This is a PRODUCTION_ID loader
01:46:15| Sending db2020_mem_patcher_cid51_r2a006.bin...
01:46:16| Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020_MEM_PATCHER_R2A006 0
01:46:16| This is a MEM_PATCHER loader
01:46:16| Sending db2020_red51_cs_r3a009.bin...
01:46:17| Applet ID: 070410 1557 HANCXC1250562_DB2020_CSLOADER_R3A009
01:46:17| This is a CHIPSELECT loader
01:46:17| Activating loader...
01:46:17| Activating GDFS...
01:46:33| This loader is UNLOCKED
01:46:33| Run GDFS-script...
01:46:33| Wrote 1 variables!
01:46:33| Read 0 variables to .\Backup\K770_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_GDFSSCRIPT_OUTPUT_111016014633.script!
01:46:33| GDFS-Script was run successfully!
01:46:33| GDFS operation was successful
01:46:35| Disconnected... Unplug the phone

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
Pozdrawiam Dariusz.