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P910i Flashing in 2025

p910 p910i flashing symbian

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#1 OFFLINE   knortn


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Posted 24 January 2025 - 13:15

Hi, I know this is a long shot, but I've tried many things, and none of them seem to be working anymore.


I have an old Sony Ericsson P910i that's heavily branded by Vodafone. Boot animations, shutdown animations, menu icons - everything is plastered with their logos. I'd like to remove this branding. I've downloaded the required AVR and Symbian firmware files, along with several language files and various tools. However, I don't have any special flashing cables, and I'm unsure if they'd even be useful since the license/credit servers for most of the required programs seem to have been shut down long ago.


What I do have is a DSS-25 cradle and a Windows XP machine. I can connect to the phone using SEMCtool, which seems capable of identifying it and backing up the GDFS. However, I haven't tried flashing the AVR part because SEMCtool doesn't offer a way to flash the Symbian part.

From what I've gathered, MultiServer might be able to do this, but their servers are long gone.


Is there any other way to debrand this phone? I'm even willing to desolder ICs if that's the only option.



Edited by knortn, 24 January 2025 - 13:16.

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 24 January 2025 - 16:14



Sorry to say, but i don't have any firmware for P910. Use it as it is - a pure gem of history. Or buy debranded one if you really need it.


Best regards,


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