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My Sony Ericsson C905a phone does not turn on anymore.

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#1 OFFLINE   tiduswulf


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Posted 02 August 2024 - 07:14

Hello. I have the Sony c905a and a W580. Both phones do not work anymore.


When I plug in my phone to the wall charger, I get a blinking red light. The keyboard light comes on and there is a single vibration. Then, nothing happens.


Many years ago, maybe in 2011, I used a program to convert the c905a to a generic c905. It worked for a long time, then I packed it away in my drawer. Last week I tried to use it again, but it doesn't work. I bought a new battery, but it did not fix.


I tried to use a2uploader, but when I click IDENTIFY there is no response. I have tried holding C and I have tried holding 2,5. I have Gordons gate drivers installed.

Edited by tiduswulf, 02 August 2024 - 07:36.

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 07 August 2024 - 12:51



A2 Uploader should identify C905 with no problem. It's worth to check different working battery (new does not mean working), check keyboard connection if it's not dirty or oxidized, check fastport connector for the same, use different usb cable and usb 2.0 port directly on the main board of your computer, check if phone is detected in device manager...



When I plug in my phone to the wall charger, I get a blinking red light. The keyboard light comes on and there is a single vibration. Then, nothing happens.


Leave it on charger for at least 30 minutes. After that time phone should show Sony Ericsson logo and charging icon. If it's not, try to power it on, wait a few seconds then press center joypad button and menu buttons - it should start playing demo movie. If you can hear music / sounds but nothing is displayed on the screen, then i would inspect flex cable, connectors, screen connector...


Lot's of troubleshooting, good luck :)


Best regards,


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#3 OFFLINE   tiduswulf


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Posted 12 November 2024 - 01:20

Thank you for your help.


The charger cable I have seems to be working. I have two wall chargers, one USB charger, and one USB data cable. All four cables, when plugged into the phone, cause the keyboard to light up.


I also have three batteries. One is a very old, well used battery. One is a very old official SE battery that was in its case for the past... 10+ years, and I recently started using it. The third is a battery I recently purchased, hoping it would fix these issues.


The USB data cable I have is not giving a response in my device manager. I suspect the cable might not be working properly. I am really struggling to find a USB cable that will ship to me in Hawaii for a reasonable cost. The usb power cables are as little as $1, but I cannot find a cheap data cable since the device is so old. There are a few in The UK, but with shipping it's over $20. It's puzzling because the USB data cable is in excellent condition.


Do you know if the DCU-60 cable will work? They are much easier to find.


Here is a short video of what the batteries do when plugged in for five minutes:



All three batteries first light up the keyboard (dimly), then light up brighter, and the red light comes on. Only one battery so far is doing the blinking thing. The other two batteries, the lights are solid. No blinking. holding down POWER causes the red light to go away. The phone vibrates once, and there is no charge to the keyboard lights or to the screen. It stays black.


As you can see, the buttons are falling off (My w580i is even worse). The phone was well cared for, but the adhesive gave out after 15 years. Oh well.


With my "new" battery, I am getting a red blinking but it's slower. Also, every five minutes when I check it, the rate that it blinks seems to be different. faster sometimes, slower. very odd.



Thank you. Sorry again for my late reply.

Edited by tiduswulf, 12 November 2024 - 01:51.

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#4 OFFLINE   tiduswulf


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Posted 01 December 2024 - 03:12

I got a DC-60 cable. It barely works. I have to hold it in funny ways. I was able to get a2uploader to read the phone, but I didn't know what to do next. haha. At least I've made a bit of progress.

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#5 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 02 December 2024 - 13:36

 It barely works. I have to hold it in funny ways.

Yeah, if your fastport connector is clean and still this problem occurs, that mean fastport is damaged and needs to be replaced / resoldered. Unfortunately C905 has soldered connector so to replace it you must find good service centre or own hot air soldering station and have some skills.




We live in funny times now. And it may be much cheaper to find and buy a different Sony Ericsson unit which uses BST-38 battery. There was a few very popular phone models using BST38 battery, like: Sony Ericsson C510, C902, S500, W580 or even Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 mini pro or Sony Ericsson Yendo - you can use different device to charge your battery and just swap it in C905. But if you want full functionality of your phone, including usb data transfer or using fastport as headphone connector - then you must find a good service centre.


IMHO - may be not worth to fix it, especially that C905 is very difficult to disassembly. It's easy to damage components especially that phone is now 15 years old and used materials may not be as strong as brand new. To use it you need only good battery. To copy images or music you can use external card reader, for headphones you can use bluetooth headset which you can buy in bargain prices in nowadays. But it's up to you, C905 is still great feature phone with amazing camera, if you will find good service centre which will pick up that challenge, go for it. Disassembly manuals you will find on our forum :)


Best regards,


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