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[Solved] XZ2 Locked Bootloader DRM Fix

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#1 OFFLINE   Axelrick


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Posted 16 February 2019 - 21:54

Hi there.
I recently had the luck to get 2 XZ2 prototype phones.
Both phones had a user debug firmware with issues(notifications which you couldn't disable, lag, proximity sensor, camera).
I managed to flash them both with latest firmware.
The one of the two XZ2 was unbranded with Bootloader unlock allowed yes. This one works flawlessly now.
The other XZ2 was T-telecom branded sim-unlocked but with bootloader unlock allowed no. This one works fine except from camera and x-reality features.
Although Bootloader is locked is like someone unlocked and relocked it so drm keys were lost. In service menu suntory blobs write error.
Phone goes into fastboot normally.
I tried to unlock the bootloader so I can try a drm fix but it doesn't let me.
I even tried xperifix hoping it will work but no luck either.
I wanted to ask, is there anyway to fix the drm with locked bootloader?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.

Edited by Axelrick, 16 February 2019 - 22:14.

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 17 February 2019 - 02:05




I recently had the luck to get 2 XZ2 prototype phones.


Congratulations :)



Both phones had a user debug firmware with issues(notifications which you couldn't disable, lag, proximity sensor, camera).


That's typical for prototypes which are under development.



I managed to flash them both with latest firmware.


In my opinion terrible mistake. Usually prototypes works with prototype firmware. Also flashing retail firmware makes them unique no more.



The other XZ2 was T-telecom branded sim-unlocked but with bootloader unlock allowed no. This one works fine except from camera and x-reality features.
Although Bootloader is locked is like someone unlocked and relocked it so drm keys were lost.


Only Sony factory can do that.



I tried to unlock the bootloader so I can try a drm fix but it doesn't let me.


You have prototype phones stolen from Sony factory. Do you really think, that connecting them to Sony software is a smart decision?



I wanted to ask, is there anyway to fix the drm with locked bootloader?


In Sony factory, and only there. Sony service centres does not have required access level to do that. Also don't forget that you have stolen phones so i would not show them to Sony workers :)


Btw. you've lost unique prototype firmware, at least you have cool 0044 imei ;) And don't misunderstand me, i don't blame you for flashing retail firmware - your phone your decission. Just in my humble opinion if you have something unique like prototype Sony phone where there is maybe a few units around the world (because all prototypes are being destroyed), it's very valuable for collectors. By flashing retail firmware you are making not even a noromal phone, because prototype is always a prototype - not everything may work properly like in retail phone so it will be loosing on value even faster. But that's just my opinion ;)

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#3 OFFLINE   Axelrick


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Posted 17 February 2019 - 14:32

Hello again.

It s the first time I get a prototype phone.
Yes,they both have 0044 imei. Didn't know they have collectible value.
I decided to flash them cause all the threads I came across prototype Xperia phones were about people trying to do the same with most of them succeeding it.
And really both phones work excellent except the drm issues on one. Didn't notice anything. Only they do not get OTA update but you can flash them normally with latest firmware without problem.
So, considering there is not something can be done about the drm fix in the one of the two XZ2, camera and x-reality issues could not be fixed too.

Thanks for the quick reply and all the information.
Really appreciated.

Best regards,
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#4 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 18 February 2019 - 02:11

I don't know if it's because of drm or because of faulty hardware. I know for sure that it's impossible to unlock bootloader in phones with "Bootloader unlock allowed: no" and then relock it so most likely some prototype tester in Sony factory was playing with that phone. Anyway, enjoy it like it is =)

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#5 OFFLINE   Axelrick


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Posted 05 April 2020 - 18:05

Hi there again.
Problem finally solved.
I flashed the Xperia XZ2 with android 10(52.1.A.0.618) and device is working fine now.
Main problem was the black preview on camera which is gone now ????. Only thing there still exists is that phone won't take OTA upgrades but that's not really an issue. ????
It has been over a year since the first post but I hope this thread can help someone who come across it. Guess better late than never.
Best regards to all. ????

Edited by Axelrick, 05 April 2020 - 18:06.

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#6 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 06 April 2020 - 18:45

That problem has been solved and thread is closed. If you have any other questions, please start a new thread. If you have any complains / opinions / suggestions, you are welcome to send them to Sony.yt Team using Private Message.

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


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