my phone model is xperia sp M35C,sale in china only,CDMA2000 supported.I tried to unlock Bootloader,but it said Bootloader unlock allowed:NO.
Then i get the unlock key from SONY,and backup TA and intall the ggsetup driver OK,its said My phone going to the ZEUS FLASH MODEL.
but when i press the UNLOCK button from s1tool?nothing happened .so i have to flash the unbrick file in it ,Then my mobile phone successfully became a brick?working ZEUS FLASH MODEL only.
I tried to reflash the unbrick file ,s1tool said waiting for phone always,but progress bar very soon.I tried to restart the PC No effect
and what i have to do? solder JTAG point to PC ? but i dont know which are the JTAG point.
i have xperia play,and X10,working fine.and i have an JTAG tool,named X360 SUPER NAND FLASHER, maybe it well with m35c.
The operator is too bad?After the contract period is not allowed to unlock