One day i was on youtube and youtube crashed and then i guess my phone crashed or restarted itself twice then completely shut off. after that i tried pressing the power botton and i vibrated 3 times if i remember and it still wouldnt turn on. Ive tried mulltiple combinations of holding the keys and nothing. the phone when plugged in the red light will apear for some time and then go away and it wont light back up for some time if i leave it plugged in. also my computers on windows 10 and 7 says it cant recognize my phone. i have tryed to do the flah method that Jurij made but i cant because computers wont recognize. Any help will be appreciated.
side not: i have never flashed or did anything to customize my Z1s before this, and the only thing i used my pc for was to put music on it.
Edited by Aegis, 20 September 2015 - 18:51.