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CID - The meaning of CID and list of Sony Ericsson products with assigned CID

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 15 September 2011 - 14:48

CID (Customer Identity) - it's a kind of security, protecting your phone against unauthorized access. If the CID number is high, it is difficult to modify your phone with cheap or free programs. There are two kinds of CID. The first one is OTP cid (One Time Programmable memory) and you cannot change it. The second one - Phone CID - is usually the same or higher than OTP CID and you can change it. It is important to flash your phone with firmware designed for your Phone CID (on platforms older than A2). On DB2012 and DB2020 platforms Phone CID may be increased, when updating firmware via Sony Ericsson Update Service. You can check your phone CID using for Example SeTool or A2 uploader software or with

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, connecting your phone in flash mode and choosing Read CID/test cable.

List of Sony Ericsson Phones with assigned CID versions:

CID 16: K500, K700, T300, T306, T310, T316, T606, T608, T610, T616, T630, T637, P800, P900, P910, S700, S710, V800, Z500, Z600, Z800, Z1010
CID 29: K500, K700, S700, S710, V800, Z500, Z1010
CID 36: D750, J300, K300, K600, K608, K700, K750, W550, W800, Z520, Z525, Z800
CID 37: K608, Z520
CID 48: K200
CID 49: K310, K510, K608, K600, K610, K618, K750, K790, K800, M600, P990, V600, V630, W300, W550, W600, W700, W710, W800, W810, W830, W850, W880, W900, W950, Z300, Z520, Z530, Z550, Z610, Z710
CID 50: K310, K320, K510, W200, W810
CID 51: K550, K610, K618, K790, K800, V630, W200, W610, W710, W830, W850, W880, Z310, Z610, Z710
CID 52: C510, C702, C902, C905, G502, K530, K550, K610, K618, K630, K660, K770, K790, K800, K810, K818, K850, S500, T250, T280, T650, V630, V640, W200, W580, W595, W610, W660, W710, W760, W830, W850, W880, W888, W890, W902, W910, W980, Z310, Z610, Z710, Z750, Z770, Z780
CID53: C510, C901, C903, C905, G700, G900, K530, K550, K610, K618, K770, K790, K800, K810, K818, P1, S500, T250, T280, T650, Yari U100i, V630, V640, W200, W350, W380, W580, W595, W610, W660, W705, W710, W715, W830, W850, W880, W888, W960, W995, Z310, Z555, Z610, Z710
CID 80: Elm J10i, Hazel J20i
CID 81: Aino U10i, Cedar J108i, Hazel J20i, W995i, Zylo W20i
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