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Xperia Z2 Hard Brick

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#1 OFFLINE   lllldante


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Posted 18 April 2015 - 18:33

hey guys : )

 i have  real problem i accidently brickd my phone through adb/fastboot i unlocked my phone already and when i tried to lock it again this happened

, this is the code that i typed in CMD :

adb devices
adb shell
echo -ne '\x00\x00\x00\x00' | dd of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p2 bs=1 seek=33796
adb reboot bootloader


and after reset it as done my phone got bricked ( by the meaning of brick i mean phone not getting reset and its not reseting by holding Vol UP+power nor with pressing the red button near my sim card place and not even by taking out the battrey cable behind my device ) now :


when i connect my phone with usb cable the only thing my computer discover is ( theres 2 kind of discoverable device maybe they are the same : one when i connct to my usb 2 port and one when i connect it to my usb 3 port ; it should b same idnt know ) :


QHSUSB__BULK           and           USB Input Device


and believe me i TRIED every thing .

my question is now is there any version of  S1TOOL.exe that would support Sony xperia Z2 (D6502 Model) , and if not is there any kind JTAG device that could support my phone , and the last question is where 's my phone TestPoint ( i found one point that when i connct it to gnd reset my phone . please review if it's right or wrong  )


I would love to hear any suggestion from u guys ( and please dnt say take it to support center cause we dnt have any in our country and my phone guaraty is allready voided )





btw This is from my s1tool 6ii2015 :


Attached Files

Edited by lllldante, 18 April 2015 - 18:41.

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 18 April 2015 - 21:53



If your phone is not detected by computer when you hold vol- button, there is nothing you can do. There is no s1tool or any other tool supporting your phone, so buy working Xperia Z2 with broken lcd and swap main board. Or sell your phone for replacement parts and buy new.

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