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Bootloader Unlock Allowed Status : No to Yes

bootloader xperia arc arc s sony ericsson

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#1 OFFLINE   Axelrick


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Posted 15 March 2015 - 23:02

Hi everyone.

I wanted to ask something cause I searched it for days in the net and I couldn't find much information or a spesific answer.

So , how operators lock the bootloader ?

It is automaticaly locked when they lock the sim-lock ? If so why it doesn't get unlocked with the sim-lock too.

I mean you can unlock it also by code like the sim-lock or the only way to be unlocked once the sim-lock is locked is by the method of test point?
I am asking cause I didn't find anything anywhere about codes for unlocking the bootloader.

By the way I sim-unlocked my Xperia Arc by code but its ''Bootloader Unlock Allowed Status'' remains No .
I even reflashed the phone with stock firmware after I sim-unlocked it but it didn't change the status of the bootloader .

Still No.
When flashing the phone I keep getting the msg ''WA: this file is ignored simlock.ta'' .

Any help would be really appreciated .

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 15 March 2015 - 23:28

Each operator has a service man with access to Emma dongle and account allowing to customize phone for network requirements. Some network operators flash branded firmware, lock phones and lock bootloader (for example Orange), some operators just flash branded firmware and lock phones (but not bootloader), some operators just flash branded firmware but not lock phones at all. It depends.


To sim unlock phone you can:


  • purchase unlock code form operator (if attempt counter is not blocked),
  • unlock your phone in service centre (if possible),
  • unlock your phone in Sony Service Centre - they can unlock any current Sony phone, you must ask to customize your phone and pay them money.


If bootloader unlock is allowed, you can:


  • unlock your phone in service centre (if possible),
  • unlock bootloader using official Sony way - you are loosing warranty, drm keys etc,
  • customize your phone in Sony service centre.

If bootloader unlock is not allowed:


  • you can unlock bootloader in service centre (if possible),
  • or customize your phone in Sony service centre.

And that's all. If you unlock your phone via UNCK code - you unlock only simlock and it has nothing to do with bootloader.



When flashing the phone I keep getting the msg ''WA: this file is ignored simlock.ta'' .


That's typical, just ignore that :)

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#3 OFFLINE   Axelrick


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Posted 15 March 2015 - 23:34

Many thanks for the reply.

It sounds pretty clear now.  


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#4 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 15 March 2015 - 23:45

I think so...


Unlock code - just sim unlock.

Unlock in service centre - if third party tool is good enough, should fully unlock phone (simlock + bootloader).

Unlock bootloader using Sony way - only for devices with status "Bootloader unlock allowed: yes" and only bootloader unlock.

Unlock in Sony service centre - it depends of customization settings, but the most powerful solution for most of modern Sony phones. Also it's the hardest access to that way of unlock, because it's risky for service man - Sony can sue him for unauthorized unlock and he can loose his job. So many Sony service centres will say "we can't unlock your phone". Technically, they can.

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#5 OFFLINE   Axelrick


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 00:02

I also read in another forum that sony can change the status of your device's bootloader from NO to YES as long as you send them :


2.SimUnlock: (the unlock code of your operator, you can obtain it by paying.. etc..)

3.Device Model

and your personal contact info (mail , phone number , name , province , country ).

I tried that but Sony said could do nothing about that. 

They told me no further support is given for unlocking the bootloader . 

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#6 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 16 March 2015 - 00:09

I know only that if you purchase unlock code from operator and your attempt counter is blocked (0) so phone will not accept any code - they customize your phone using Emma and phone is fully unlocked. I can unlock bootloader in any Sony Ericsson Xperia phone produced approximately before 12W16, also in Sony Xperia tipo ST21, Sony Xperia tipo dual ST21i2, Sony Xperia miro ST23, Sony Xperia J ST26, Sony Xperia E C150X and Sony Xperia E dual C160X :)

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Więcej informacji, Cennik | More information, Price list GG: 1793684 Skype: gen.jurij

#7 OFFLINE   ronyrony


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Posted 11 July 2016 - 08:06

I agree with the second comment about that

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: bootloader, xperia, arc, arc s, sony ericsson

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