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How to add missing languages in Android smartphones

Android Languages Firmware

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 26 December 2014 - 02:54

Today i will show you how to add missing languages in Android Sony / Sony Ericsson Xperia smartphones. Well, we do not have to add them, because all languages acutally are in all firmwares. But in some firmwares some languages are hidden, because of different phone customization. I will show you today how to make them available in menu settings without looking for the correct firmware, downloading it and flashing your phone. The most common problem is with arabic language, which is available usually in MEA firmware, in other firmwares it's hidden. Let's change that :)
Easy solution:
1. Root your phone. If you do not know how to root your phone, visit your phone model forum - instructions should be pinned. If not, start a new thread, we will help you.
2. Download from Google Play application Total Commander:

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(or Root Explorer or any other file manager using root privilages, however i prefer Total Commander).
3. Go to /system directory in your phone memory and backup build.prop file.

Attached File  screenshot_2014-12-26_0050.png   115.79K   1 downloads

4. Edit build.prop file with Total Commander or any other text editor.
5. Find:
and check what languages are hidden.

Attached File  screenshot_2014-12-26_0050_1.png   104.27K   0 downloads

For example in my Sony Ericsson Xperia pro MK16i customization Central Europe in original build.prop file i can find:
ro.product.locale.excluded=ar_EG ar_IL fa_IR iw_IL
As you can see arabic, farsi and hebrew languages are excluded.

6. Delete all restrictions and leave only:

Attached File  screenshot_2014-12-26_0052.png   119.64K   1 downloads

7. Save build.prop file and reboot your device.
8. Check languages list in your phone, you should see new languages:

Attached File  screenshot_2014-12-26_0053.png   102.87K   2 downloads

That's it, all languages are visible now! :)

Advanced method:
For more advanced users there is a second method without Total Commander. You can use ADB Shell to copy build.prop file from your phone, edit it and push it back.
1. Root your phone.
2. Remount system partition in read-write mode:
adb shell
3. Use root privilages:
4. Remount /system partition:
mount -o remount,rw /system
5. Pull build.prop file to your pc:
adb pull /system/build.prop .
6. Edit build.prop file with any text editor (for example Notepad++) and delete restrictions from line:
then save your file.
7. Push your file to phone:
adb push build.prop /data/local/tmp/build.prop
8. And finally copy it to the proper place:
cat /data/local/tmp/build.prop > /system/build.prop
9. Reboot your phone and check languages list. New languages should be available :)
Both methods are working good, you don't need to flash your phone with different firmwares anymore to get missing languages.
Best regards,

Tutorial is written for Sony.yt - International Sony Forum. Copying is prohibited.

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#2 OFFLINE   khalafawy


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 18:22

tested  in d6503 its ok 

but i want to ask if we can make it in flash file ftf file and after this flash it to phone 

cause we will face problems in root phones 

Edited by khalafawy, 03 January 2015 - 18:22.

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#3 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 03 January 2015 - 19:20

Well, you can flash your phone with MEA firmware to get arabic language, but i'm showing you how to do it without flashing and finding specific firmware. Rooting is not a problem, in case of D6503 you can use KitKat 4.4.4, flash kernel from older firmware, use available rooting toolkit, flash back Android 4.4.4 kit kat kernel and that's it ;)

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


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