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List of firmware customization for Xperia C C2305 | ?????? ?a?????????? ??? Xperia C C2305 | Spis customizacji firmware dla Xperia C C2305

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 25 February 2014 - 21:21

List of firmware customization for Xperia C C2305:

?????? ?a?????????? ??? Xperia C C2305:

Spis customizacji firmware dla Xperia C C2305:

0 "C2305 Customized MY 1276-5961" "1276-0194 C2305/Mobile Phone/AN400/Customized MY (Malaysia)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
1 "C2305 Customized MY 1276-5961" "1276-0195 C2305/Mobile Phone/AN400/Customized MY (Malaysia)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
2 "C2305 Customized MEA 1277-6019" "1277-6404 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MEA (MENA Arabic (b)" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
3 "C2305 Customized SG 1276-5957" "1276-1560 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized SG (Singapore)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
4 "C2305 PT. Trikomsel OKE Tbk ID 1276-6036" "1276-2139 C2305/Mobile Phone/PT. Trikomsel OKE Tbk ID (Indon" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
5 "C2305 Customized MY 1276-5961" "1276-0192 C2305/Mobile Phone/AN400/Customized MY (Malaysia)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
6 "C2305 Customized SG 1276-5957" "1276-1561 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized SG (Singapore)/Purpl" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
7 "C2305 Customized SA 1278-2399" "1277-8846 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized SA (Saudi Arabia)/Bl" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
8 "C2305 Customized TH 1276-6040" "1276-2323 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized TH (Thailand)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
9 "C2305 Customized TH 1276-6040" "1276-2324 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized TH (Thailand)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
10 "C2305 MTN ZA 1277-1122" "1276-9667 C2305/Mobile Phone/MTN ZA (South Africa)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
11 "C2305 Customized MEA 1277-6019" "1277-6405 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MEA (MENA Arabic (b)" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
12 "C2305 Customized TH 1276-6040" "1276-2321 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized TH (Thailand)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
13 "C2305 CHT TW 1278-3644" "1277-9926 C2305/Mobile Phone/CHT TW/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
14 "C2305 Customized IN 1276-3349" "1275-8556 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized IN (India)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
15 "C2305 Customized HK 1276-6692" "1276-1726 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized HK (Hong Kong)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
16 "C2305 Customized RU 1276-8503" "1276-2735 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized RU (Russia)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
17 "C2305 CHT TW 1278-3644" "1277-9925 C2305/Mobile Phone/CHT TW/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
18 "C2305 Customized SA 1278-2399" "1277-8847 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized SA (Saudi Arabia)/Wh" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
19 "C2305 Customized HK 1276-6692" "1276-1725 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized HK (Hong Kong)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
20 "C2305/S39h Service Exchange Unit" "" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
21 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1275-9251 C2305/Mobile Phone/EU/Commercial and Journalists (Internal)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
22 "C2305 Customized MEL 1281-2785" "1281-2375 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MEL (MENA Latin (b))" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
23 "C2305 PT. Trikomsel OKE Tbk ID 1276-6036" "1276-2135 C2305/Mobile Phone/PT. Trikomsel OKE Tbk ID (Indon" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
24 "C2305 Customized MEL 1281-2785" "1281-2376 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MEL (MENA Latin (b))" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
25 "C2305 Customized RU 1276-8503" "1276-2737 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized RU (Russia)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
26 "C2305 Customized MY 1276-5961" "1279-5805 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MY (Malaysia)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
27 "C2305 Customized ZA 1277-1124" "1276-8729 C2305/Mobile Phone/bundle cover/Customized ZA (Sou" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
28 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2723 C2305/Mobile Phone/UK/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
29 "C2305 Customized PH 1278-1427" "1276-2345 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized PH (Philippines)/Whi" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
30 "C2305 Customized MY 1276-5961" "1279-5807 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MY (Malaysia)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
31 "C2305 Customized IN 1276-3349" "1275-9393 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized IN (India)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
32 "C2305 Customized UA 1276-3273" "1276-2741 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized UA (Ukraine)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
33 "C2305 Customized MY 1276-5961" "1279-5806 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MY (Malaysia)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
34 "C2305 Customized SA 1278-2399" "1279-0088 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized SA (Saudi Arabia)/Pu" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
35 "C2305 Customized ZA 1277-1124" "1276-8721 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized ZA (South Africa)/Bl" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
36 "C2305 Sun Cellular PH 1281-0509" "1280-9558 C2305/Mobile Phone/Sun Cellular PH (Philippines)/B" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
37 "C2305 Customized TW 1276-3347" "1276-1730 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized TW (Taiwan)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
38 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2724 C2305/Mobile Phone/UK/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
39 "C2305 PT. Sony Indonesia ID 1276-6038" "1276-2091 C2305/Mobile Phone/PT. Sony Indonesia ID (Indonesi" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
40 "C2305 MTN ZA 1277-1122" "1276-9666 C2305/Mobile Phone/MTN ZA (South Africa)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
41 "C2305 PT. Sony Indonesia ID 1276-6038" "1276-2090 C2305/Mobile Phone/PT. Sony Indonesia ID (Indonesi" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
42 "C2305 Customized UA 1276-3273" "1276-2740 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized UA (Ukraine)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
43 "C2305 PT. Sony Indonesia ID 1276-6038" "1276-2088 C2305/Mobile Phone/PT. Sony Indonesia ID (Indonesi" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
44 "C2305 Customized HK 1276-6692" "1276-1727 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized HK (Hong Kong)/Purpl" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
45 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2722 C2305/Mobile Phone/EU/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
46 "C2305 CHT TW 1278-3644" "1277-9927 C2305/Mobile Phone/CHT TW/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
47 "C2305 Customized IN 1276-3349" "1275-9390 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized IN (India)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
48 "C2305 Customized PH 1278-1427" "1276-2346 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized PH (Philippines)/Pur" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
49 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2721 C2305/Mobile Phone/EU/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
50 "C2305 MTN ZA 1277-1122" "1276-9664 C2305/Mobile Phone/MTN ZA (South Africa)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
51 "C2305 Customized PH 1278-1427" "1276-2347 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized PH (Philippines)/Bla" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
52 "C2305 PT. Trikomsel OKE Tbk ID 1276-6036" "1276-2138 C2305/Mobile Phone/PT. Trikomsel OKE Tbk ID (Indon" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
53 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2733 C2305/Mobile Phone/US/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
54 "C2305 Customized TW 1276-3347" "1276-1731 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized TW (Taiwan)/White" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
55 "C2305 Customized SG 1276-5957" "1276-1559 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized SG (Singapore)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
56 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2734 C2305/Mobile Phone/US/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
57 "C2305 Customized TW 1276-3347" "1276-1732 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized TW (Taiwan)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
58 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2726 C2305/Mobile Phone/UK/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
59 "C2305 Customized ZA 1277-1124" "1276-8723 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized ZA (South Africa)/Wh" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
60 "C2305 Commercial and Journalists 1275-9052" "1276-2732 C2305/Mobile Phone/US/Commercial & Journalists (In" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
61 "C2305 Customized MEA 1277-6019" "1279-0091 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized MEA (MENA Arabic (b)" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
62 "C2305 Customized UA 1276-3273" "1276-2739 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized UA (Ukraine)/Black" for 35326706,35809505,35653405
63 "C2305 Customized RU 1276-8503" "1276-2738 C2305/Mobile Phone/Customized RU (Russia)/Purple" for 35326706,35809505,35653405

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 07 October 2015 - 01:46

Last update: 7X2015


Added: 45 new customizations.

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Serwis Sony Ericsson Online | Online Sony Ericsson Service


Więcej informacji, Cennik | More information, Price list GG: 1793684 Skype: gen.jurij

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