Kilka patchy, testować czy działają
;J20 R7CA065 APAC
;Activate settings item for all applications
;(c) RandoM
;(p) not found
140BA32C: 00 01 ;item "Move to folder"
140BA3B2: 00 01 ;item "Move to phone/Move to m. card"
140BA576: 00 01 ;item "Wallpaper"
;J20 R7CA065 APAC
;Add item "3G only" In the Settings menu: Communications Network GSM/3G network
;(c) Sic
;(p) not found
14cc094a: 1FD1 C046
;J20 R7CA065 APAC
;Choose time of backlight
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) not found
14051468: 3075 1027 ;time in hex, now 10 sec
;J20 R7CA065 APAC
;Clear message "Press Unlock and OK" and the message "Now press OK"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) not found
1484f2d8: 98F46CFE C046C046
14bd44ac: 3CF130E8 C046C046
;J20 R7CA065 APAC
;Clear message "Profiles :..." when choosing profile
;Fixed work buttons play/pause
;v.1 fix
;(c) IronMaster, Joker XT
;(p) not found
14e5a9e2: 10B5 7047
;J20 R7CA065 APAC
;Clear message "Ringtone changed"
;? E1kolyan
;(p) not found
1535b278: 16D0 16E0 ;Menu Settings
1535b422: 16D0 16E0 ;From Filemanager
;J20 R7CA065 APAC
;Clear message "Unplug the charger..." when removing charger from fast port
;? 2007KrasH
;(p) not found
14b3b23c: 0FD0 0FE0