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Xperia Active (ST17i) touch screen calibration

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#1 OFFLINE   donZe


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Posted 25 January 2013 - 16:11

Hallo everyone and congratulations on the good job with this site. I found here a lot of usefull information about my phone.

Can anyone please help me with finding ETS file for Xperia Active (ST17)?

I need it in order to calibrate the screen after replacing it with new one (mine broke).
I?ve found online some instructions an application to do the calibration, BUT in order to do that I need to flash the phone with the ST17 ETS software.

This turns to be a big problem, because I can not find online neither the ETS file for ST17, nor the software to flash it with.

From what I?ve read in internet I understand that there are two ways to do that - using SETool box (paid software) or using Emma (which is only available to service centres). The problem is that I?m not working in a service centre and it's not feasible for me to spend almost 100$ for this software. I've just bought the new LCD module and I really can not afford any more expenses on that.

Does anyone know how where I could find the proper ETS file?
And if I find it is there other way to flash it except for Setool and Emma? Would I be able to do it with s1tool or setool lite for example?

Thanks in advance,

Edited by donZe, 25 January 2013 - 16:12.

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 26 January 2013 - 01:17


I have access to ETS firmware for ST17 Xperia active. I can reflash your phone using setool2 box online, that will cost you 8$ which you can pay via PayPal. Internet connection 2mbps or faster and windows vista or newer is required. If you are interested, contact me on Skype chat: gen.jurij :)
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