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S1Tool tutorial - identify, flash, relock bootloader for all Xperia QSD8250, MSM7227, MSM8255 smartphones

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 23 December 2012 - 03:05


Today I will show you samll, but fast, powerful and free tool from mr the_laser (author of Setool2 box, Setool2 lite, A2 Tool also known as A2 Uploader) - S1 Tool, designed for all Sony Ericsson Xperia phones from QSD8250, MSM7227 and MSM8255 platforms.

1. Before you will begin.

1. Make sure, that you have fully charged battery. 50% is absolute minimum.
2. Make backup of all data stored in your phone memory, using for example My Phone Explorer program.
3. Install the latest Gordon's Gate flash driver: Attached File  ggsetup-   3.58MB   3108 downloads
4. Download S1Tool: Attached File  s1tool.7z   1.54MB   1577 downloads

5. Set up compatibility with Windows XP SP3 to avoid problems on windows Vista or newer.

6. Download firmware for your phone in .ftf (flashtool) or .sin_file_set (Setool2) format.

2. Identify.








As you can see, program is very simple. To identify your phone run s1tool.exe, press identify button, connect turned off phone holding back or volume down button and after a few seconds you will get identify output.







3. Flash.

Using S1Tool you can fast and easly reflash your Xperia smartphone. Supported phones and chipsets:

QSD8250: Xperia X10i, Xperia X10a, Xperia SO-01B.

MSM7227: W8 E16, Xperia X8 E15, Xperia X10, Xperia X10 mini E10, Xperia X10 mini pro U20.

MSM8255: active ST17, arc LT15, arc S LT18, mini ST15, mini pro SK17, neo MT15, neo V mt11, PLAY r800, pro MK16, ray ST18, Live with Walkman WT19

S1Tool supports both versions of firmware files. The first ones for flashtool with extension .ftf and original Sony Ericsson flash files for Setool2 with extension .sin_file_set. Firmware for Setool2 contains two parts: APP SW and FSP, so you must choose both files to reflash your smartphone.

Procedure is very simple:

1. Run s1tool.exe and press FLASH button.
2. Choose .ftf firmware or both Setool2 APPSW and FSP files. Hold ctrl on your keyboard to select more than one firmware package.
3. Connect turned off phone holding back or volume down button.







After a few minutes your phone is flashed and you can enjoy new firmware in your smartphone.


Flashing using .ftf files:



If you are getting error during flash using .ftf file, there is a simply solution for that. Of course you can use flashtool, but also you can convert .ftf file to .sin_file_set files. There is a simply way to do that:


1. Create new folder, open your .ftf file using winrar and copy all .sin files to your new folder:






2. Using ctrl button mark files: amms, cache, fota0, fota1, kernel, click on them using right mouse button, choose add to archive (using winrar), enter name for example APPSW, choose .zip (not .rar!) and create archive:




3. Repeat procedure on files amms_fs, simlock.ta, system i userdata and create FSP file:




4. Click on start (Windows) => run => cmd.exe, enter to your .zip files folder and rename them to .sin_file_set:




5. Flash your phone using created files:



Attention: If you do not want to loose user data after flash, you can open fsp firmware using winrar, delete from it userdataXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.sin file and reflash your smartphone using procedure described above. If you want to downgrade your firmware for example from Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich to 2.3.4 Gingerbread - I do not recommend to use that solution, because your phone will not be working properly. In that case reflash phone using original full APPSW and FSP files.

4. Relock bootloader.

If you have unlocked bootloader and want to relock it, press RESTORE button and connect turned off phone holding back or volume down button. If you are not sure if your bootloader is ulocked or not or you have no idea what bootloader is - do not touch that button.

I wish you a pleasant flashing of your Xperia phones and remember - everything you are doing on your own responsibility. If something gone wrong or you are still not sure how to flash your Xperia smartphone, you can choose our Online Service and your phone will be flashed or repaired with setool2 box. You can contact me using Skype chat: gen.jurij or private message.

Best Regards,



Tutorial written for Sony.yt forum - copying to other websites is prohibited.

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#2 OFFLINE   Kurbiandrew


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Posted 26 October 2013 - 18:09

good am sir,

thank you for letting me to download the software,because i want my sony w8 to update the and custom my phone :)
thank you very much :)
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#3 OFFLINE   Norph


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 04:38



Hi there I know I am kinda of a hassle, but I don't actually want to revive old topics...
As you can see I do have a z1c, I searched around the forum and I found that this is the way to create APPSW and FSP files....
But I am stucked at this part which it is asking me to create APPSW, FSP, and ELABEL (I dont think this tutorial covers this yet since elabel is kinda for the new devices I guess?)
The part I am stuck at is the part about APPSW and FSP, I have 3 amss files, (amss_fs_1.sin, amss_fs_2.sin, amss_fsg.sin) I wonder which side should I put them in?
Do I put fs_1 and fs_2.sin into APPSW or something else?

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#4 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 18 December 2015 - 23:38

Yes, Elabel is for newer phones released since 2013 year. In case of Xperia Z1 Compact you must create 3 files and flash them in order: 




2. FSP,


3. Elabel.


You already flashed appsw so you know what files are inside (boot folder must be in .zip archive). Elabel.sin is separated file. The rest of them should be in FSP.

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#5 OFFLINE   maasis8


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Posted 24 October 2016 - 21:01

Can you please sent the link for firmware sony ericsson  E10i

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#6 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 25 October 2016 - 02:35

Check forum's download on 4shared:

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#7 OFFLINE   maasis8


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Posted 26 October 2016 - 12:57

thanks for the reply but it says unauthorized. I am having problem with this phone since I sent it to the shop to unlocked it is shows no sim cards regardless which network I used. Can you please help? 

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#8 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 30 October 2016 - 07:18

Go back to that "shop" and tell them to unlock your phone properly. If not, get your money back and visit good service centre, they will unlock your phone.

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#9 OFFLINE   thanhthinh


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Posted 06 November 2016 - 10:41

Check forum's download on 4shared:

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password ?????Untitlede4cf6.png

Edited by thanhthinh, 06 November 2016 - 10:42.

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#10 OFFLINE   faflak



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Posted 06 November 2016 - 11:27

@ thanhthinh - quote applies xperia x10 mini, you trying download priavate files

use xperia firm ;)

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#11 OFFLINE   Ale2017


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 20:01


I got a brick for the Sony Z3 Dual (D6633) with the kernel firmware using flashtool. I collected a file for S1tool, but there is no positive result. The s1tool log:



will use Sahara protocol ... 

HARDWARE ID : 04000100E1407B00
NOT SUPPORTED HASH :CF19D6FAD8029B66B15246BF3C9D216FC1D2235D87706E0458C7125BB1E436EC
Elapsed:35 secs.

Edited by Ale2017, 12 July 2017 - 20:02.

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#12 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 20:08

Of course there is no positive result, because S1tool does not support that phone.

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#13 OFFLINE   Ale2017


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 20:20

? ???? ?????? ? ?????????? ??????? 2013 ???? ? ??????

And is there a version supporting models of 2013 and newer?

Edited by Ale2017, 12 July 2017 - 20:22.

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#14 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 12 July 2017 - 20:34

Some 2013 models are supported, but some newer only by paid version of Setool2. I can help you fix your phone online, but windows vista or newer, charged battery, usb cable, at least 2mbps internet speed and 15$ USD on your paypal account required to purchase Sony Xperia repair service. If you are interested, let me know on skype: gen.jurij and we will fix your phone.

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#15 OFFLINE   kid568


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Posted 30 July 2017 - 16:26


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#16 OFFLINE   zadarkinal


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Posted 05 March 2018 - 17:18


Today I will show you samll, but fast, powerful and free tool from mr the_laser (author of Setool2 box, Setool2 lite, A2 Tool also known as A2 Uploader) - S1 Tool, designed for all Sony Ericsson Xperia phones from QSD8250, MSM7227 and MSM8255 platforms.

1. Before you will begin.

1. Make sure, that you have fully charged battery. 50% is absolute minimum.
2. Make backup of all data stored in your phone memory, using for example My Phone Explorer program.
3. Install the latest Gordon's Gate flash driver:
4. Download S1Tool:

5. Set up compatibility with Windows XP SP3 to avoid problems on windows Vista or newer.

6. Download firmware for your phone in .ftf (flashtool) or .sin_file_set (Setool2) format.

2. Identify.








As you can see, program is very simple. To identify your phone run s1tool.exe, press identify button, connect turned off phone holding back or volume down button and after a few seconds you will get identify output.







3. Flash.

Using S1Tool you can fast and easly reflash your Xperia smartphone. Supported phones and chipsets:

QSD8250: Xperia X10i, Xperia X10a, Xperia SO-01B.

MSM7227: W8 E16, Xperia X8 E15, Xperia X10, Xperia X10 mini E10, Xperia X10 mini pro U20.

MSM8255: active ST17, arc LT15, arc S LT18, mini ST15, mini pro SK17, neo MT15, neo V mt11, PLAY r800, pro MK16, ray ST18, Live with Walkman WT19

S1Tool supports both versions of firmware files. The first ones for flashtool with extension .ftf and original Sony Ericsson flash files for Setool2 with extension .sin_file_set. Firmware for Setool2 contains two parts: APP SW and FSP, so you must choose both files to reflash your smartphone.

Procedure is very simple:

1. Run s1tool.exe and press FLASH button.
2. Choose .ftf firmware or both Setool2 APPSW and FSP files. Hold ctrl on your keyboard to select more than one firmware package.
3. Connect turned off phone holding back or volume down button.







After a few minutes your phone is flashed and you can enjoy new firmware in your smartphone.


Flashing using .ftf files:



If you are getting error during flash using .ftf file, there is a simply solution for that. Of course you can use flashtool, but also you can convert .ftf file to .sin_file_set files. There is a simply way to do that:


1. Create new folder, open your .ftf file using winrar and copy all .sin files to your new folder:






2. Using ctrl button mark files: amms, cache, fota0, fota1, kernel, click on them using right mouse button, choose add to archive (using winrar), enter name for example APPSW, choose .zip (not .rar!) and create archive:




3. Repeat procedure on files amms_fs, simlock.ta, system i userdata and create FSP file:




4. Click on start (Windows) => run => cmd.exe, enter to your .zip files folder and rename them to .sin_file_set:




5. Flash your phone using created files:



Attention: If you do not want to loose user data after flash, you can open fsp firmware using winrar, delete from it userdataXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.sin file and reflash your smartphone using procedure described above. If you want to downgrade your firmware for example from Android 4.0.4 Ice Cream Sandwich to 2.3.4 Gingerbread - I do not recommend to use that solution, because your phone will not be working properly. In that case reflash phone using original full APPSW and FSP files.

4. Relock bootloader.

If you have unlocked bootloader and want to relock it, press RESTORE button and connect turned off phone holding back or volume down button. If you are not sure if your bootloader is ulocked or not or you have no idea what bootloader is - do not touch that button.

I wish you a pleasant flashing of your Xperia phones and remember - everything you are doing on your own responsibility. If something gone wrong or you are still not sure how to flash your Xperia smartphone, you can choose our Online Service and your phone will be flashed or repaired with setool2 box. You can contact me using Skype chat: gen.jurij or private message.

Best Regards,



Tutorial written for Sony.yt forum - copying to other websites is prohibited.

Hello sir, can i use this to unbrick Xperia M5 Dual (E5663) ?

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#17 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 06 March 2018 - 01:11

No, you can't. There is no free tool which can fix boot in your phone.

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#18 OFFLINE   niltoncom


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Posted 08 April 2018 - 10:15

Hello sir. I brick my Xperia ZL puting different serial number TA file, same brand, same model. Could you help me How to recover? Thanks a lot

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#19 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 09 April 2018 - 11:49

If you have original trim area backup - try to restore it. If not, your phone is a spare parts source. You can swap main board or buy a new phone.

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#20 OFFLINE   caracas


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Posted 12 April 2018 - 19:53

Hallo Jurij and others :) ....

Do you have any news for xa1 ultra g3226 test point?

I tried to unbrick my phone on many ways but without any sucess. Today on this site I am found and install s1 tool and ggate and after almost 2 month my phone is recognized as "mt6757 device" :D ...now, I want to do something with this tools but I can not do anything without test piont :unsure: ....Thanks for advance

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