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Phone doesn't work.

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Posted 26 November 2012 - 21:39

My big problem: YES

Action journal
21:48:39 Identify
21:48:39 Shows detailed information about the connected phone.
21:48:39 Operating system: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (build 2600)
21:48:39 Application version: 1.38.4753
21:48:39 . The action name is 'Identification'
21:48:39 Selected phone type: U1
21:48:39 Selected connection method: USB EROM
21:48:39 i Instructions
21:48:39 i 1. Make sure the phone battery is charged to at least 50%.
21:48:39 i 2. Switch off the phone!
21:48:39 i 3. Remove the phone battery and wait at least 5 seconds, then insert the battery back to the phone!
21:48:39 i 4. Press and hold the green button, then connect the cable to the phone!
21:48:39 . The action started waiting for the user
21:49:18 . The action finished waiting for the user
21:49:18 Connecting via SEMC USB Flash Device (USB1)...
21:49:18 Device driver version:
21:49:18 Detected chipset: OMAP3430
21:49:18 Boot mode: EROM
21:49:18 EROM version: 1217-2350 R6A032
21:49:18 IMEI:									    ( IMEI NOT WRITTEN )
21:49:18 Device ID: 031F9AEDD164F1D2EFD7B6D516CF65E2A500F5F4
21:49:18 Secondary device ID: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
21:49:18 Minimum loader AID: 0002
21:49:18 Color: Red SEMC
21:49:18 Minimum software AID: FFFF
21:49:18 Minimum EROM AID: 0001
21:49:18 Minimum customization AID: FFFF
21:49:18 Minimum simlock AID: FFFF
21:49:18 Serial number:
21:49:18 Simlock state: TAMPERED
21:49:18 Sending loader...
21:49:19 Waiting for loader response...

not found: Welcome on our forum :) I fixed the title and added code tags. Please do not use red color, it is reserved for forum staff (color changed to black).

Edited by not found, 26 November 2012 - 22:02.

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#2 OFFLINE   Jurij


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Posted 26 November 2012 - 22:44

Send your phone to Service with setool2 box - they will fix that phone for you (if that is not hardware issue). There are 3 possible problems and 3 methods of repair in case of Satio phone:

1. Your phone could not boot and blinks red, you CAN flash phone - unlock phone using setool2.
2. Your phone stuck on white screen - reflash clean file system files, then flash normal firmware.
3. Your phone could not boot and blinks red, you CAN NOT flash phone - you need to perform trim area repair process.

Which one of those is your case? Other possibility - hardware malfunction.
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