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Repair of dead / bricked Sony Ericsson Xperia active, arc, arc S, Live with Walkman, neo, neoV, mini, mini pro, PLAY, ray - 15$ USD

Sony Ericsson Online Service Sony Ericsson Xperia Repair Boot Software

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


    Emperror of Sony Kingdom

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 23:42


Our online service offers you repair of all bricked / dead Sony Ericsson Xperia phones from 2011 year in attractive price - 15$ USD only.

Repair of Xperia phones is very simple but you must have:

  • Good internet connection, at least 2 megabits / second,
  • PC with Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8,
  • USB data cable.

If your phone is dead because:

  • You've unlocked bootloader and updated firmware via OTA and now phone is bricked,
  • Your phone's screen is only blinking white,
  • Your phone is only vibrating,
  • Your phone is dead and only led is blinking,
  • You can't connect your phone in flash / boot rom mode,
  • You want to repair IMEI in your phone

That service is for you! Attention: We do not change IMEI in stolen phones - it's illegal. Before IMEI repair you must send us a picture of your sticker under battery and picture from phone box for IMEI confirmation.

Xperia phones from 2011 year:

Repair of all Xperia phones from 2011 year is quite easy, however during repair procedure you must connect two points on main board using testpoint cable or paper clip when program will ask to do that. Procedure is very simple and you will get testpoint location image, you can also watch the movie showing how to do that (Xperia arc / arc S testpoint for example):


Supported Xperia phones from 2011 year:

  • Xperia active ST17 (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia acro SO-02C (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia arc LT15, SO-01C (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia arc S LT18 (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia mini E15 (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia mini pro SK17, S51SE (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia neo MT15 (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia neo V MT11 (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia PLAY R800, Z1, SO-01D (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia pro mk16 (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Xperia ray ST18, SO-03C (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),
  • Sony Ericsson Live with Walkman WT19 (all phones manufactured before approximately 12W16),

You can check date of production on the sticker under battery / battery cover. The first two digits means year of production, the second two - week of production. All phones manufactured after approximately 16 week of 2012 year are not supported yet. If phone has new security mcu or there are technical difficulties, you will get 100%  money refund. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on my skype chat: gen.jurij or Private Message.

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Sony Ericsson Online Service, Sony Ericsson, Xperia, Repair, Boot, Software

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