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S500 R8BE001 Patche | Patches | ?????

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#1 OFFLINE   Jurij


    Emperror of Sony Kingdom

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    • Time Online: 566d 7h 29m

Posted 14 December 2011 - 03:38

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;?????????? ??????? ???????????
;(C) UltraShot
;(R) IronMaster
;(p) Se-MaG
45273BBE: 02F095F9 C046C046

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;?????? ?????? ???????? ?????????? ?? ??? ? FS ????????
;????????! ??????/?????????? ?????? ?????, ?? ?????? ?????? ????????????????? ???????!
;Full access to file managers on Java in FS phone
;Attention! Having removed/having moved the necessary files, you can deprive with working capacity phone!
;? mobilefree.ru , neoDimm
;(p) WolosanoWsk
19796C0: 630061006D0065007200610000000000 69006600730000005100750065007500
19796D0: 70006900630074007500720065007300 65000000740070006100000073007900
19796E0: 000000006D0075007300690063000000 7300740065006D000000750073006500
19796F0: 2F007400700061002F00750073006500 720000002F0073007900730074006500
1979700: 72002F004D005500530049004300 6D0000002F004900460053000000
1979780: A8EC6E45 0497AB45 ;"/tpa/user/DCIM" -> "/IFS"
1979790: D096AB45 C896AB45
1979798: C8EC6E45 A8C56E45 ;"/tpa/user/picture" -> "/QUEUE"
19797A8: E496AB45 D496AB45
19797B0: F096AB45 98D26E45 ;"/tpa/user/MUSIC" -> "/tpa"
19797C0: 1097AB45 DC96AB45
19797C8: C0EF6E45 F496AB45 ;"/tpa/user/video" -> "/system"
19797D8: 2097AB45 EA96AB45
19797E0: 30ED6E45 E8C06E45 ;"/tpa/user/other" -> "/user"

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Permanent sms remainder counter
;?????????? ??????? ??????? ???????? ???
;(i) You have to increase layout.xml/StringInputInfo/STRING_INPUT_STATUS_COUNTER_WIDTH
;(i) ?? ?????? ????????? ? layout.xml/StringInputInfo/STRING_INPUT_STATUS_COUNTER_WIDTH
;(?) den_po
;(p) WolosanoWsk
F9C924: 1528 A128
F9C932: 584903A808239B1ECA5AC252FBD16846 6B461B7803A206210E98C0F208FA2AE0
F9C942: 00780A216B463DF7 FFFF250064000000

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Replacing Silent Mode to Flight Mode without turn off phone
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(P) M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
1174060: 01986A460121C94308F02EFF002805D1 C046C046C046C046C046C046C046C046
1174070: 68460078012801D1 C046C046C046C046
117407C: 1826 C046
11740F4: 0B060000 F9130000
11740F8: 5FEE0000 2BEB0000
1174122: 204801260568F6436A46311C281C08F0 F7F707FD002803D00020E3F7B4FD30E0
1174132: CAFE00282DD16846 0120E3F7B0FD2CE0
117413A: 0078012812D00122311C281C08F0EBFE C046C046C046C046C046C046C046C046
117414A: 002822D1164D1248134A002103B40123 C046C046C046C046C046C046C046C046
117415A: 291C281CDDF763F902B016E00022311C C046C046C046C046C046C046C046C046
117416A: 281C08F0D8FE10E0 C046C046C046C046

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Possibility to store more SMS (was 1000)
;Romove the; on the one you wish to have
;(c) demion
;(P)M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
;4511F872: FA229200 7d221201; 2000 SMS
;4511F872: FA229200 FA221201; 4000 SMS
4511F872: FA229200 9D229201; 10000 SMS

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;the phone without SIM cards
;works: Camera, Player, Radio, Budilniki, timer, stopwatch, calculator, infrared ...
;Not running: java, browser, Bluetooth, Contact Organizer, Activity menu ...
;(c) Mobilefree
(P)M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
44DC0892: 0C1C 6EE0

;Allow to remove the Ringtones and VideoDJ dir in music
;(c) Pmk2k
;(P)M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
15AC13A: 2F00720069006E00670074006F006E00650073 00000000000000000000000000000000000000
15AC44A: 2F00720069006E00670074006F006E00650073 00000000000000000000000000000000000000
15AEC62: 2F00720069006E00670074006F006E00650073 00000000000000000000000000000000000000
19D6B26: 2F00720069006E00670074006F006E00650073 00000000000000000000000000000000000000
15AC16E: 2F0076006900640065006F0064006A 000000000000000000000000000000
15AC476: 2F0076006900640065006F0064006A 000000000000000000000000000000
15AEC96: 2F0076006900640065006F0064006A 000000000000000000000000000000
19D6AF6: 2F0076006900640065006F0064006A 000000000000000000000000000000

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Renaming files together with the expansion
; Pereimenovke Now, with shows including the full name of the file extension
; v.2
; ? IronMaster
;(P)M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
D6D776: 721B 321C
D6D83C: 95F18AFC C046C046
D6D860: 95F178FC C046C046

;S500 R8BE001
;Whitelist to blacklist
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
C70FC5: D0 D1

; S500 R8BE001
; Replacement of expansion of record of video on *.mp4
;(c) topsonyteam
;(p) M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
19D3B9C: 3300670070 2A00000000
19D48C2: 3300670070 6D00700034
1A45B58: 3300470050 4D00500034

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;When connecting a USB cable is automatically activated mode phone
;(c) Sic
;(p) M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
451F3D98: 01F082F8 C046C046
451F3E60: 01F01EF8 C046C046

; S500-R8BE001
; Heap shift! more stability for patches!
; Shifting the heap! more stability patches!
; (c) den_po
; (p) M.R.2 (www.topsony.ir)
; v.64k
; info 4 patchmakers: 0x201A33B0 ... 0x201B33AF
; this info is firmware version dependent
4423B7B4: 68480A216860 684988470A21
4423B958: 00501400 01F4B945
45B9F400: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CB50649002301229203036004300439
45B9F410: 00000000000000000000000000000000 013A002AF9D1286069600CBD00501400

; S500 SW_R8BE001
;Clear window on lock buttons
;Now no delay occurs immediately block
;When locked immediately included sleep
;At no place screensaver
;v. 3
; ? IronMaster
4536BA3A: D0F785FC2149A06AE0F7BBFC 201CFFF7BEFF00F05AF8F0BD

; S500 SW_R8BE001
; Clear recent demonstration of recent contacts when sending SMS
; (C) UltraShot
; (p) M.R.2/mm
450346CA: 090C 0221

; S500 SW_R8BE001
; Clear oval tracing main menu when you select
;(c) dimonp25
;(p) M.R.2/mm
45B5F1F4: 49 4D
45B5F224: 49 4D
452F3C22: 211c 7ebd

; S500 SW_R8BE001
;Clear message Run now when installing Java
;? -=Alex=-
;(p) M.R.2/mm
44F671D6: 10D0 10E0

; S500 SW_R8BE001
;Clear message "changed Wallpaper"
;Remove the "Background image it is changed" message when changing wallpaper
;(c) catalin2402
;(p) M.R.2/mm
452B8D6E: 00F019F8 C046C046

; S500 SW_R8BE001
; Clear message "Word not found in the dictionary" and "added to my dictionary"
; (c) SiNgle
; (p) M.R.2/mm
452CFF5E: 00F055F802E0 C046C046C046; added to my dictionary
452D0C50: FFF724FA C046C046; Word is not found in the dictionary

; S500 SW_R8BE001
; Clear message "If you increase the backlight brightness is reduced time in the dir. Expectations"
; ? 2007KrasH
; (p) M.R.2/mm
452B61EC: DBF742F9 c046c046

; S500 SW_R8BE001
; Clear message:
; "First, write down the team. Save now?" standby
; "Teams are not recorded. Save now?" and voice dialing is included "
; "Voice dialing disabled"
; (c) Sic
; (p) M.R.2/mm
44FF735C: 0120 27E0
44FF8C76: 0120 29E0
44FF8CF2: 0120 26E0

; S500 SW_R8BE001
;Changing time sounding the alarm
;(c) demion
;(p) M.R.2/mm
120C1B2: 2904090C 2900C046
120C1C6: 2904090C 2900C046
;C7484C: 60EA0000 FFFFFFFF ;No limits
;C7484C: 60EA0000 A0BB0D00 ;15 min
;C7484C: 60EA0000 C0270900 ;10 min
C7484C: 60EA0000 E0930400 ;5 min
;C7484C: 60EA0000 C0D40100 ;2 min
;C7484C: 60EA0000 30750000 ;30 sec

; S500 SW_R8BE001
;Changing the style of the GUI "Copy to" and "Move to"
;Change 01 to 00, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 For different styles
;? Mcming1989
;(p) M.R.2
D6E3A0: 0921 0121
D6F13A: 0921 0121
D8108A: 0921 0121
D813C0: 0921 0121

; S500 SW_R8BE001
; Changing the rhythm of vibration when an incoming call
; Vibrate short vibration, and with small gaps between
44FCD202: 3221 4021
44FCD204: FA20 1020

; S500 SW-R8BE001
;Change Gui of Video Player to Fullscreen
;Recommeded to apply "Get the Video setings of Videoplayer in Filemanager" too, so you can watch Fullscreen in File Manager too
;(c) yener90
;(P) M.R.2/mm (www.topsony.ir)
44F48E5A: 307B012804D1F078002801D1A06B7CE1 0421A06BFEF008F9A06BD5F02FFEA06B
44F48E6A: A06B 78E1

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Change combination >*<<*<* to any other
; (c) demon_17
; (e) jamesbond22
; (p) M.R.2/mm
45B4F038: 07 05; length combinations
45B4EFBA: 0B001D000F000F001D000F001D 14001400140014001400140014
; combination of "11111"
; Left soft: 0200
; Right soft: 0300
; Dzh.vverh: 0900
; Dzh.vniz: 0D00
; Dzh.vlevo: 0F00
; Dzh.vpravo: 0B00
; Dzh.nazhatie: 0800
; Online: 2000
; Aktiviti: 1F00
; Back: 0400
; C: 0500
; 1: 1400
; 2: 1500
; 3: 1600
; 4: 1700
; 5: 1800
; 6: 1900
; 7: 1A00
; 8: 1B00
; 9: 1C00
; *: 1D00
; 0: 1300
; #: 1E00
; Walkman: 2300
; Camera: 2B00
; Volume +: 0x1100
; Volume-: 0x1200

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Block display name of the operator of the SIM-card
; Name is taken from the network operator
; (c) IronMaster
; (p) M.R.2/mm
44DCBD1A: 0021 78E0

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Always show progress bar in landscape landmark (video)
;(c) Tartes , yr4ik
;(R) RandoM
;(p) M.R.2/mm
44F464B4: 43E2 0000
44F487FE: 02D1 02E0

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Add the possibility of transferring java-applications
; ? IronMaster
; (p) M.R.2/mm
44E8169C: 9847051C 00250D60

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Ability to take photographs with a semi-open chamber
; First, you need to open the shutter, then close.
; Do not work the camera closing closing slider!
; (C) UltraShot
; (p) M.R.2/mm
4500585C: 01F0C4FD C046C046

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Ability to set ringer volume and on / off the growing call in silent mode
; (!) When setting the volume growing call is not disconnected
; v.2
; (c) E1kolyan
; (p) M.R.2/mm
452AE8EC: C943 C143
452AE82A: C943 C143
452AEC80: C943 C143

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;work phone without sim card
;Original idea by Zormax aka mobilefree
;? 2007KrasH
;(p) M.R.2/mm
45b4f874: E98E2945 21F4B945
45b9f420: 00000000000000000000000000000000 12B582B00C1C69460020087001A800F0
45b9f430: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0DF80198002803D1211C00F009F802E0
45b9f440: 00000000000000000000000000000000 211C00F007F802B0012012BD024B1847
45b9f450: 00000000000000000000000000000000 024B1847024B1847D918DC44F98E2945
45b9f460: 00000000 E98E2945

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Add a menu item that allows on / off. confirmation of acceptance file via BlueTooth and ObEx
; (!) Is not compatible with the patch "Clear confirmation when adopting a file through bluetooth / etc"
; v.1 update
; (c) Sic
; (p) M.R.2/mm
44d77abe: AC21 B021
44d77b94: AE82EE82 6E613864
44d798c0: 0199D744 71F4B945
44d798c4: 2D99D744 83F4B945
44d79922: C046 10BD
45a453c4: 5D98D744 99F4B945
45a5437c: 7115DD44 05F6B945
45b9f470: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F0B5041C6F4FB847201C002100F005F8
45b9f480: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F0BDF0B5F9E7F0B5B8E0F0B5AC27C155
45b9f490: 00000000000000000000000000000000 694900F033F9F0BDF0B53F26B6010C1C
45b9f4a0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 081C002100F0FEF8051C002100F0FEF8
45b9f4b0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 281CFF21243100F0FDF8281C022100F0
45b9f4c0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FDF8281C0FA1013100F0FCF8281CAC27
45b9f4d0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 E15D00F0FBF8281C00F0FCF8281CB11C
45b9f4e0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 12A2013200F0FAF8281C311C534A00F0
45b9f4f0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F5F8281C113E311C514A00F0EFF80120
45b9f500: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F0BDFFFFF0B5041C00F0ECF8002802D0
45b9f510: 00000000000000000000000000000000 012803D008E0FF21243102E00B214902
45b9f520: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3631201C00F0E2F8F0BDFFFFF0B5041C
45b9f530: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0D1C081C00F0DEF8002802D0012802D0
45b9f540: 00000000000000000000000000000000 05E046A100E048A1201C00F0D7F8F0BD
45b9f550: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F0B53F26B6010C1C081C00F0D3F8051C
45b9f560: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0B214902363100F0A5F8281C022100F0
45b9f570: 00000000000000000000000000000000 CDF8281C3349022200F0CCF800F04EF8
45b9f580: 00000000000000000000000000000000 011C281C00F0CAF800F048F8011C281C
45b9f590: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F09CF8281C00F09DF8281CB11C08A2
45b9f5a0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 013200F09BF8281C311C274A00F096F8
45b9f5b0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 281C113E311C224A00F090F80120F0BD
45b9f5c0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F0B5041C0D1C081C00F0B0F8002802D0
45b9f5d0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 012806D015E01D481D49002200F0AAF8
45b9f5e0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0BE0002001B4194819490422FF238133
45b9f5f0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F0A4F800F0A6F801B0201C0121FFF7
45b9f600: 00000000000000000000000000000000 44FFF0BDF0B50FB400F008F8002801D0
45b9f610: 00000000000000000000000000000000 114D00E00F4D0FBCA847F0BDF0B50B48
45b9f620: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0B49002200F07EF801D4012000E00020
45b9f630: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F0BDFFFF0199D744C850A4452D99D744
45b9f640: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3199D744742CE04487F4B945A4D56E45
45b9f650: 00000000000000000000000000000000 980963457115DD44C517DD44644FA445
45b9f660: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0000000074F6B945644FA44500000000
45b9f670: 00000000000000000000000000000000 8CF6B945070000005D98D74408000000
45b9f680: 00000000000000000000000000000000 6D7FD744000000000000000007000000
45b9f690: 00000000000000000000000000000000 51F5B945080000006D7FD74400000000
45b9f6a0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00000000004B1847595B2F45004B1847
45b9f6b0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 C55D2F45004B1847F1C53345004B1847
45b9f6c0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 895D2F45004B18479D5E2F45004B1847
45b9f6d0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 615D2F45004B184775C13345004B1847
45b9f6e0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 E9883545004B184749682F45004B1847
45b9f6f0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 55682F45004B1847755D2F45004B1847
45b9f700: 00000000000000000000000000000000 695D2845004B1847957C2F45004B1847
45b9f710: 00000000000000000000000000000000 5D7E2F45004B1847AD7E2F45004B1847
45b9f720: 00000000000000000000000000000000 797E2F45004B1847D92AE844004B1847
45b9f730: 00000000000000000000000000000000 897E2F45004B18471D2CE844004D2847
45b9f740: 000000000000000000000000 4521E844004B18471137E844

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Ability to cancel the sending of SMS-message
;When sending a window "Sending message"
;to this window is added to the "Cancel" on the right softkey
;+is added to the "Close" on the left softkey
;Ver 2.0
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) M.R.2/mm
4504fe10: A069FA21C900FCF2B7F9A069 014FB84702E0FFFF51F7B945
45b9f750: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FEB5134AA06911490B4FB847114AA069
45b9f760: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0E490A4FB8470B4AA0690B49064FB847
45b9f770: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0D4AA0690849054FB847A0690B49044F
45b9f780: 00000000000000000000000000000000 B847A069FEBDFFFFE988354561893545
45b9f790: 00000000000000000000000000000000 89C134454DFE0445BF0F0000A00F0000
45b9f7a0: 000000000000000000000000 4D1E03459E08000075030000
;Time to display window
45b9f7ac: 00000000 A00F0000; time display window 0xFA0 = 4000ms = 4c

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Automatic shut off Bluetooth over a given time.
;(i) HeapShift (201A33B4)
;? jamesbond22
;? Ploik
;(P) M.R.2/mm
44d7eec4: 11B5041C00200090 004B1847B1F7B945
45b9f7b0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 11B500F005F8041C002000900D480047
45b9f7c0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 07B5104802A101310B4A904707BDFFFF
45b9f7d0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3FB507490A78012A02D00020084DA847
45b9f7e0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3FBD11B5041C0020009002480047FFFF
45b9f7f0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 B4331A20CDEED744A92F2845C5EED744
45b9f800: 00000000 E2F7B945
45b9f804: 00000000 C0270900; 10 min
;45b9f804: 00000000 A0BB0D00 ;15 min
;45b9f804: 00000000 804F1200 ;20 min

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; Adding tel. numbers when writing SMS
; Allows you to add a number from the phone book directly when writing SMS
; To add numbers click Options -> Add. contact
; v 1.0
; (c) IronMaster
; (p) M.R.2/mm
450dbb3a: E06A 9047
450dbbf4: 09C00D45 11F8B945
45b9f810: 00000000000000000000000000000000 334AE06AFFB50236311C071C07A20132
45b9f820: 00000000000000000000000000000000 314B9847381C311C2E4A304B9847381C
45b9f830: 00000000000000000000000000000000 321C0221324B9847FFBDFFFFF0B537A1
45b9f840: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2B4A9047F0BDF0B582B0041C0D1C0026
45b9f850: 00000000000000000000000000000000 6068815D761C0029FBD10136694601AA
45b9f860: 00000000000000000000000000000000 A86C254B98476F46BF88F61971000020
45b9f870: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00220423264EB047061C00213180002F
45b9f880: 00000000000000000000000000000000 03D000993A1C204B98477F00207A0128
45b9f890: 00000000000000000000000000000000 03D1F0192B2101800237F0196168194A
45b9f8a0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 9047301C00211C4A184B9847011CA86C
45b9f8b0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 124A90470020311C164A90470221281C
45b9f8c0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0C4A904702B0F0BDF0B5081C0321094A
45b9f8d0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 9047F0BDF0B5081C0421064A9047F0BD
45b9f8e0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 09C00D455D1D0000E988354561893545
45b9f8f0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 695E2845D15E2845B1E72C4531E92C45
45b9f900: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0DE92C458137E444F974554479EC3145
45b9f910: 00000000000000000000000000000000 9D190F45C9190F45FFFF000050F9B945
45b9f920: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0000000028F9B945070000003D84DE44
45b9f930: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0200000047F8B94503000000C9F8B945
45b9f940: 00000000000000000000000000000000 04000000D5F8B9450000000000000000
45b9f950: 00000000000000000000000000000000 534D535F456469746F725F416464436F
45b9f960: 0000000000000000000000 6E746163745F5061676500

;s500 SW-R8BE001
;???????? ??????? ??????? ?????? ? ?????? ???????, ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ?????? ???????
;(c) hippy dave
;(p) demon_17
1159B70: 00F004F8 C046C046
116C428: 02D0 C046

;s500 SW-R8BE001
;????? ??? ???????? ?????? ?? ?????? ????? ??? ????????? ??????
;? IronMaster
;(p) demon_17
C6EEC8: 201C4C30 65488047
C6F060: 66100000 71F9B945
1A5F970: 00000000000000000000000000000000 201C4C30FFB5002081B00090A2B06846
1A5F980: 00000000000000000000000000000000 064988477D21C90032220B1C0668FF24
1A5F990: 00000000000000000000000000000000 69343659B04723B0FFBDFFFF25972B45

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Correction password verification phone if there is no SIM-card
;? KrasH
;(p) M.R.2/mm
4462F90C: 09D0 09E0

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Supplement to patch "fully operational phone without a SIM-card
;Fixed operation menu" Quick Links "on the" On / Off "if there is no SIM-card
;? KrasH
;(p) M.R.2/mm
452B3E9E: 02D1 02E0

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Fully operational phone without a SIM-card
;everything works except the functions that require cellular communication
;Fixed the "Protection of the phone" when you turn on without a SIM-card
;(!) To work "Protection of the phone" need to patch:
;"Fixing Password Authentication phone if there is no SIM-cards "
;? KrasH
;(p) M.R.2/mm
45b4f874: E98E2945 21FBB945
45b9fb20: 00000000000000000000000000000000 10B587B00C1C002269460A704A6001A8
45b9fb30: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F022F80198002811D1002168460170
45b9fb40: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F01EF86846007800280CD0201C00F0
45b9fb50: 00000000000000000000000000000000 15F8084B0222042100F018F806E0211C
45b9fb60: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00F010F802E0211C00F00EF8012007B0
45b9fb70: 00000000000000000000000000000000 10BDFFFFCE150000074B1847074B1847
45b9fb80: 00000000000000000000000000000000 074B1847074B1847074B184708B4074B
45b9fb90: 00000000000000000000000000000000 9C4608BC6047FFFFD918DC44C9662845
45b9fba0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 FD246344E98E2945F98E294581E6DB44

;S500 R8be001
;Flash Menu
;Allow to set flash file as menu file
;Put menu files to "Themes"
;Set your menu from "Settings">"Themes" by selecting flash file
;(c) RaANdOoM
;(p) M.R.2/mm
44ebe932: AC23DB00E91821600020 014B984701E071F9B945
452b9062: 101C 0847
452b906c: A467B545 79F9B945
45018248: 1FD0097802291CD1 004B1847A7F9B945
45b9f970: 00000000000000000000000000000000 22A1216000207047FFB4006815498847
45b9f980: 00000000000000000000000000000000 25A1154B9847002803D0FFBC1349101C
45b9f990: 00000000000000000000000000000000 07E0FFBC171C01684068124B98471249
45b9f9a0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 381C0F4B1847002A11D00978022901D1
45b9f9b0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0E4B1847F7B400200D4CA04701684968
45b9f9c0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 17A00C4B9847031CF7BC002BF0D00A4B
45b9f9d0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 1847FFFF2952E84485745544A467B545
45b9f9e0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 65902B4585B801459C5EB54551820145
45b9f9f0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 59582845856B55448B8201452A002E00
45b9fa00: 00000000000000000000000000000000 740068006D003B002A002E0073007700
45b9fa10: 00000000000000000000000000000000 66003B000000FFFF7300770066000000
45b9fa20: 000000000000000000 4D656E75426F6F6B00

; S500 SW-R8BE001
; id3v2 compatiblity fix (DIE WIN1251 DIE!)
; (c) den_po
; v1
; + unsynchronisation
; + data length indicator
; (all tags except APIC / GEOB)
; (p) M.R.2/mm
451f6be4: 87E0 C046
451f6caa: 09D4 C046
451f64f2: 011C07988DF44FFA2C61 014B984701E097FAB945
451f6426: 0798E968221C8DF4B4FA 014B984701E0AFFAB945
45b9fa30: 00000000000000000000000000000000 F0B5031C00240F1C527AD6070ED50578
45b9fa40: 00000000000000000000000000000000 6D054678B60335438678F6013543C678
45b9fa50: 00000000000000000000000000000000 354304300439BD4200D22F1C9207D20F
45b9fa60: 00000000000000000000000000000000 013916D4A74214D306781E5501300134
45b9fa70: 00000000000000000000000000000000 002AF5D0FF2EF3D10678002EF0D14678
45b9fa80: 00000000000000000000000000000000 35066D0F072D01D0002DE9D101300139
45b9fa90: 00000000000000000000000000000000 E6E7201CF0BD011C089800B50A4B9847
45b9faa0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 059A211CE868FFF7C3FF286100BD0898
45b9fab0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 E968221C00B5044B9847059A211CE868
45b9fac0: 000000000000000000000000 FFF7B6FF041C00BD9939E844

; S500 SW - R8BE001
; Job equalizer in File Manager with audio playback
; Equalizer settings are taken from the player
; v.1.0
; (c) 2007KrasH
; (p) M.R.2/mm
44f2e862: 0022201C9830817A201C 01480047FFFFD1FAB945
45b9fad0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 201C00F010F881B06946201C283000F0
45b9fae0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CF8012269460978201C283000F007F8
45b9faf0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 01B0074B1847034B1847034B1847034B
45b9fb00: 00000000000000000000000000000000 1847FFFF5D67F3449DD2F3443DD0F344
45b9fb10: 00000000 73E8F244

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Sending empty messages without confirmation
;window now that the message is blank, does not appear
;? jamesbond22
;(p) M.R.2/mm
45037D36: 2AD0184A0021BFF2C8FB 0221201C6BF2FFFC10BD

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Change system fonts
;(c) Therion
;(p) juLi0Naru
;Original idea by xFoX
45B5FC20: 3200340052 3200300042
;???????? ?????? ????
;E_24I - 3200340049
;E_24B - 3200340042
;E_24R - 3200340052
;E_20I - 3200300049
;E_20R - 3200300052
;E_16I - 3100360049
;E_16B - 3100360042
;E_14B - 3100340042
;E_14R - 3100340052
;E_12B - 3100320042
;E_12R - 3100320052
;E_8R - 3800520000

;s500 R8BE001
;Hide softkeys in flashmenu
;? yener90
;(p) juLi0Naru
4501B7A8: 06090000 20000078

;s500 SW-R8BE001
;remove year in date format
;(c) weltonlin (CHINESE)
;(e) ElohiM
;(p) juLi0Naru
1A08750: 254C25642D2562254C2D2579 202020202562254C254C2564 ;31-Oct-2008 -> "Oct31"
1A08760: 25642D256D2D2579 202562254C202579 ;31-07-2008 -> "31-07"
1A0876C: 256D2F25642F2579 202020256D2F2564 ;07/31/2008 -> "07/31"
1A08778: 2579256D2564 2020256D2564 ;20080731 -> "0731"
1A08780: 25642F256D2F2579 20202020254C2564 ;31/07/2008 -> Only "31"
1A0878C: 25642E256D2E2579 202020202562254C ;31.07.2008 -> Only "07"
1A08798: 25792D256D2D2564 25642D2562254C20 ;2008-07-31 -> 07-31

;s500 R8BE001
;Show contact icon and Change contact format in messaging
;Contact Format value:
;02: Number
;03: Name + Number
;04: Name
;? Amir_82111
;(p,e) juLi0Naru
BF4050: 08F088FB 08F08CFC
9E30E2: 15F015FE 15F019FF
EFBA22: D5E6 D9E7
EFB66C: 1F1C 0127
EF83E6: 03F0F3F9 03F0F7FA
A336F4: 10F0A4FD 10F0A8FE
EF3D5E: 07F037FD 07F03BFE
;Contact format:
EE44B8: 04 04; Menu item line 1
EE4554: 04 04; Menu item line 2
EF3D5C: 04 04; Recipients
F99CEA: 04 03; Header
EF83DE: 04 03; Status
EEAC44: 04 03; Details

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Remove voicerecoreder beep and
;remove beeps when recording a call
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) H0sseiN
19588E8: 1E 00
19588F8: 14 00
E0FB2D: D2 E0
E0FB71: D1 E0

;S500 SW-R8BE001
;Ability to minimize the window admission / transfer files via Bluetooth
;Ver 1.3 (stability fix)
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) M.R.2/mm
c918ba: E069 B047
c918f8: E919DD44 B1FBB945
c932ee: 2068 8847
c93438: AB0F0000 D9FBB945
c937f0: 244870B50E18 70B524488047
c93884: 3E040000 C7FBB945
c93890: 174830B50D18 30B517488047
c938f0: 4A040000 B7FBB945
c93fb0: 2868 8847
c94158: AB0F0000 DFFBB945
1a5fbb0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 204EE06915E024480D18FFB5081C0021
1a5fbc0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 194FB847FFBD20480C380E18FFB5081C
1a5fbd0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0021154FB847FFBD1049206801E00F49
1a5fbe0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2868FFB5061C0C49134A104FB8470C4A
1a5fbf0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0949301C0E4FB847FFBDFFB50F48104F
1a5fc00: 00000000000000000000000000000000 B847002801D00F4FB847064FB8470021
1a5fc10: 00000000000000000000000000000000 054FB847FFBDFFFFAC0F0000AB0F0000
1a5fc20: 00000000000000000000000000000000 78100000B195294599622845E9883545
1a5fc30: 00000000000000000000000000000000 61893545E919DD44FBFBB9453DDB3545
1a5fc40: 000000000000000000000000 AD462845096628454A040000

  • 0

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