Patche dla Sony Ericssona J300 R2BC001. Tylko patche, zero dyskusji
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Delete keyboard backlight ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) Maximys 44B6B4C2: 152D 0FE0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Delete operator logo ;(c) mobilefree ;(p) Maximys 44972894: 18F6B4F9 C046C046 449744F4: 16F684FB C046C046
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Disable setupwizard on simcard change ;(c) den_po ;(P) Maximys 44973ABA: 04D1 0CE0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Delete time and date ;(c) mobilefree ;(p) Maximys 44972E76: 17F6C3FE C046C046 44972E80: 17F6BEFE C046C046
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Faster long filename scrolling ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) Maximys 449B808C: FA21 4A21 449B818A: FA21 4A21 449B8280: FA21 4A21 449B82D9: 0B 05
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Fast rewind long audio files ;(c) SiNgle ;(p) IronMaster, Maximys 44A9EB16: 6421 0121
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Heap shift! more stability for patches! ;(c)den_po ;v.64k ;info 4 patchmakers: 4C297928...4C2A7927 ;this info is firmware version dependent +44000000 1150C: 306000200860B348 00270F60B34F81E1 11788: FFF77DFF 00F04BF8 11818: 2E2E2F736F757263652F686561702F68 064BC01A3060D81978E6044F00260670 11828: 6561702F686561706170692E63000000 401C491E7F1E002FF9D128E700000100
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Phone works without SIM card ;Does not work: java, internet, Contacts... ;(c) Mobilefree ;(p) Maximys 446A8796: 0C1C 05E0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Whitelist to blacklist ;? the_laser ;(P) den_po, Maximys 448C72D2: BF41 FF43
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Simplified list in Messages ;(c) Maximys 440F2CD4: 18720E4430B10F44587D1044 B42C0F44B42C0F44B42C0F44 440F2CE8: 68B00F44B8B00F44 B42C0F44B42C0F44 440F2CF4: 08B10F44 B42C0F44
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Change function in Service Menu "Total call time" to "Navigation key counter" ;(c) Maximys 440FA604: F0A8 08A9 440FAAB0: F3 C2
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Menu like K300 ;(c) Maximys 440F2928: 63E3030062E3 CCE00300CDE0 440F2950: 182C 0C29 440F2B9C: 502B 182C 440F2C34: CAE00300CBE0 FFFF0300E5E0 440F3DD8: 0C290F44 00000000
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Remove java security restrictions ;? the_laser ;(P) me-at,DenSoft,Maximys 44B8EDBA: 01D1 C046 44B8EDBC: 00 01
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Remove "keylock" message ;(c)SiNgle ;(p) Maximys 44793EA8: F1F722FF C046C046
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Remove message code master reset ;(c) Maximys 4411A6B0: 78 C0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Remove "nosound" message when turn on silent mode ;(c) Phenomen ;(p) den_po, Maximys 447964FE: 0AD1 0AE0 449742DC: 0021 14E0 4497B2B6: 0021 0EE0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Remove voice recorder beep ;(c)SiNgle,Maximys 440F19D8: 1E E0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Rename files with extensions ;(c) ;(p) Maximys 440E13B8: 2E00 0000
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Vibra when connecting ;v. 1 ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Maximys +44000000 8C40E8: 6920215C012902DB201C01F0DBFA 0148804703E0FFFF4154D044C046 D05440: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFB56423FA2252000121034D28690568 D05450: FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ED69A847FFBDFFFF20810F4C
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Remove the message "Quick charge" ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Maximys 44797A7D: B5 E0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Disable dimmer. ;Now lights will not be 15 seconds in the beginning to fade, and then another 5 seconds off. ;It will cut down after 20 seconds. ;(c) IronMaster ;(p) Maximys 44B6B556: E3F5AFFB C046C046
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Time and date at the top of the screen. ;(c) ;(p) Maximys 44972E72: 0B21 0321 44972E7C: 0C21 0121
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;The Linear main menu ;The Menu will not be a grid of icons, but linear (like in file manager and etc.) ;(c) Maximys 440F2C0C: C0E00300C1E0 FFFF0300C0E0 440F2C34: CAE00300CBE0 FFFF0300CAE0 440F2D30: C4E00300C5E0 FFFF0300C4E0 440F2EF4: CEE00300CFE0 FFFF0300CEE0 440F2F1C: C8E00300C9E0 FFFF0300C8E0 440F3DFC: D0E00300D1E0 FFFF0300D0E0 440F3F38: BEE00300BFE0 FFFF0300BEE0 440F3F5C: BCE00300BDE0 FFFF0300BCE0 440F3F80: 51E2030052E2 FFFF030051E2 440E66E4: C6E00300C7E0 FFFF0300C6E0 440F296C: FFFFFF6F E7080000 440F2974: 8125B744 00000000
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Remove "Warning: Loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level ;? Phenomen ;(P) Maximys 447A0938: 08DB 08E0
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Dimmer timeout ;Instead of xxxx put: E803 - 1 s, D007 - 2s, 8813 - 5 sec, 1027 - 10 sec ;(c)SiNgle ;(P)Maximys 44B6B584: 983A xxxx
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Improved work with files and folders ;(C) ;(P) Maximys 44C74564: 1422 8022; Increase the name of the new folder to 128 characters (was 20) 44C7407A: 1422 8022; Increase behalf rename folders up to 128 characters (was 20) 44C752D4: 1422 8022; increase peremeinovannogo file name up to 128 characters (was 20)
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Size of the font in sms and a couple of other places. ;(C) SiNgle ;(P) Maximys ;00 small, 02 large, 01 default 444BEA6B: 01 00
;J300 SW-R2BC001 ;Changing icons in video ;Remanufactured blue ribbon next to the video file on the icon with the extension ;?????? ?????? ? ?????????? ;?????????? ????? ????? ????? ? ??????????? ?? ?????? ? ??????????? ;(C) Joker XT ;(P) Maximys 44C7B638: 45 50 44C7B780: 45 42
Edited by not found, 17 July 2013 - 11:22.
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