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Rejestracja: 20 maj 2019
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Help with flashing W995 CID 081

25 maj 2019 - 11:20

Hello, I hope someone will be able to help me, here is my problem. 

I have a W995 that is unlocked (accept all SIM cards) but the phone has some ugly Orange operator theme and additions that came with it cannot be changed (custom icons, and order of the icons). I read that I have to flash the phone with its original/generic software, and I stumble on this forum. After some readings, I wanted to try this on my own (though I never done this before) and wanted to do it with A2 Uploader tutorial found here. However, problems appear right on the start. When I start a2tool I get this info:

ChipID:E900,EMP protocol:0401

A2ROM_loader_on_loader:bad result [00/FF]
Elapsed:28 secs.

Since it is highlighted in red, i assume something is wrong. Do I have to do something else, not use a2loader? Does anyone has solution for this kind of problem, should I use some other flashing tool, etc ? 

Any kind of help would be appreciated.