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W20 Zylo? R7DA062 Patche | Patches | ?????

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Posted 01 November 2013 - 21:04

Here we can share patches for Zylo? R7DA062. Patches only, no discussions. Możemy tutaj podzielić się patchami dla Zylo? R7DA062. Tylko patche, zero dyskusji :)

;W20 R7DA062
;Ability to change size of clock in standby
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Mlody745
14c249e2: 002127A057F7D5FF002802D1 C046C046C046C046C046C046
14c249d4: 05D0 0BD0

;W20 R7DA062
;Advanced range of brightness adjustment
;Allows you to adjust brightness from 10 to 100%
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mlody745
14ab0bfe: 401D 401C
1484e320: 252801D800207047302801D8 00B50149884700BDD103CD15
14810f80: 00B50300B8F552EA05040608 00B50149884700BD1D04CD15
1484e59e: 0520 0920
14ba063a: 242A01D22422 0A2A01D20A22
15cd03d0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 142801D2002070471E2801D201207047
15cd03e0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 282801D202207047322801D203207047
15cd03f0: 00000000000000000000000000000000 3C2801D204207047462801D205207047
15cd0400: 00000000000000000000000000000000 502801D2062070475A2801D207207047
15cd0410: 00000000000000000000000000000000 642801D2082070470920704708281AD8
15cd0420: 00000000000000000000000000000000 01A1095C8F44C0460A0E12161A1E2226
15cd0430: 00000000000000000000000000000000 2AFF0A2000BD142000BD1E2000BD2820
15cd0440: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00BD322000BD3C2000BD462000BD5020
15cd0450: 00000000000000000000 00BD5A2000BD642000BD

;W20 R7DA062
;Bluetooth only in "send" option
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mlody745
1479a09a: 1D7D 0025

;W20 R7DA062
;Clear message "Unplug the charger ..." when remove charger from fast port
;? 2007KrasH
;(P) Mlody745
14ad2250: 0FD0 0FE0

;W20 R7DA062
;Fix int2strID, Str2ID
;(!) Is necessary for some patches and elves (BookManager, etc.)
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mlody745
145bb38e: 1C00 0024
1427ce2c: 0C00 0024

;W20 R7DA062
;Get features of Video application in File manager
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) Mlody745
146f2578: 607E C046

;W20 R7DA062
;Quick Access menu works in landscape mode
;(C) jamesbond22
;(P) Mlody745
14f5e31a: 1CD1 C046

;W20 R7DA062
;Remove "accept file? (yes/no)" prompt when receiving files over bluetooth
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Mlody745
;Oryginal idea by the_laser
14d13bd2: 50F43BFD0028 FFF7DBFF9CE0

;W20 R7DA062
;Remove message "CAUTION: Loud ringtones could damage your hearing."
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) Mlody745
14a488c8: 21D3 21E0

;W20 R7DA062
;Remove message "Word not found in the dictionary"
;Remove message "Added to thedictionary"
;(c) IronMaster
;(r) RaANdOoM
;(p) Mlody745
147452d0: 2000 02E0
14105214: 02D0 02E0

;W20 R7DA062
;Rename files with extension
;Now when rename shows full filename including extension
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mlody745
147aeee4: 401B 321C
147aefda: 19F6A1FC C046C046
147aeffe: 19F68FFC C046C046

;W20 R7DA062
;Replace Update Service Menu with Service Menu
;(c) yener90
;(p) Mlody745
149cc3a4: 25D0 C046
14cb7340: FEB52A4A2A490192 004B1847399A7B14
149ccc3c: F0B50C0000263100 004B1847C5E26B14

;W20 R7DA062
;Show IMEI in fullscreen
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Mlody745
14ff61e4: 0221 0421

;W20 R7DA062
;"Quick access menu" works in FlightMode
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) Mlody745
14f59e30: 02D1 C046

;W20 R7DA062
;Button play/pause works in more books
;(c) 2007KrasH
;(p) Mlody745
14FF7694: 2F48 26E0

;W20 R7DA062
;Change progressbar color in Walkman
;(c) Gurkan!
;(p) Mlody745
141C9988: 1F52E3FF 0000FFFF ;color

;W20 R7DA062
;Change place of styles
;Remove from settings and place in options in WALKMAN
;(p) Mlody745
14A0E9CA: 206A 04E0

;W20 R7DA062
;Change time of showing PlayQueue
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Mlody745
14A96D20: 8813 B80B ;time
;E803 1sec
;D007 2sec
;B80B 3sec
;A00F 4sec
;8813 5sec
;7017 6sec
;581B 7sec
;401F 8sec
;2823 9sec
;1027 10sec

;W20 R7DA062
;Clear off sleep mode when connecting/disconnecting the headset
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mlody745
14B997E4: 24DB 24E0
14B99752: 0D FF

;W20 R7DA062
;Drawing menu background "Options" with the menu background theme
;? Therion
;(p) Mlody745
1496506C: 20 24

;W20 R7DA062
;Clear message "Flight mode" menu will be displayed when you turn on the phone"
;(c) Se-MaG
;(p) Mlody745
14F24B0E: 03D0 C046
152F9A0C: 08D1 08E0

;W20 R7DA062
;Delete status bar from the main menu
;(c) AlexMasteR
;(p) Mlody745
;Original idea by MoJsA
1417AF86: 0121 0421

;W20 R7DA062
;Drawstring fix
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Mlody745
14C8B3DC: 0C00 0024

;W20 R7DA062
;Shorter showing elements in landscape mode in Video application
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Mlody745
14B847F4: B80B D007

;W20 R7DA062
;Remove message "Note hidden"
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Mlody745
1525DD0A: 0021 05E0

;W20 R7DA062
;Remove background darkening in dialog windows
;(c) UltraShot
;(p) Mlody745
;pAtChFiLe =/boot/phone_app.cxc
14236346: 6EF7BFFA C046C046

;W20 R7DA062
;Clear message "Press Unlock and OK" and the message "Now press OK"
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mlody745
14819DB8: D2F3BEED C046C046
14B6091C: D2F314ED C046C046

;W20 R7DA062
;Reversed colors in sleepmode
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Mlody745
144f13c8: FF210906200078F0F1FE691E 691E201C78F0F2FEFF210906

;W20 R7DA062
;Minimalize books
;Addon for the correct operation of some patches which use a minimization books function
;(c) jamesbond22
;(p) Mlody745
140513C8: 78F114F8 C046C046

;W20 R7DA062
;Heap Shift! More stability for patches!
;(c) den_po
;(p) Mlody745
;(r) anarkes
;Info 4 patchmakers: 4BC80000...4BC8FFFF
;This info is firmware version dependent!
1094ad4a: 96208003706080200001 0149884701E001009310
10930000: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0CB54B21C90300230122920303600430
10930010: 00000000000000000000000000000000 0439013AFAD1306071600CBC0120C002
10930020: 0000 00BD

;W20 R7DA062
;Button volume +/- - button play/pause
;(c) Juhu07
;(p) Mlody745
1566ca70: A98FBB14 31A4CD15	 ;volume +
;1566ca78: A98FBB14 31A4CD15 ;volume -
15cda430: 00000000000000000000000000000000 00B502480249884700BDFFFFD9270000
15cda440: 00000000 7D380214

;W20 R7DA062
;Change style of Messaging
;Changes the style of Inbox/Conversations, Inbox, Drafts, Sent, Saved message
;(c) D3mon, HotRabbit
;(p) Mlody745
14BBBBF6: 0021 0321 ; Inbox/Conversations
14BBBBFA: 0221 0321 ; Messages
;00 Removes 2nd row
;01 Normal syle with big icon on left side (need modded IC)
;02 Normal style
;03 Only selected item has 2nd row

Edited by not found, 01 November 2013 - 21:21.


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