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Z520 R3J017 Patche | Patches | ?????

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Posted 12 October 2012 - 20:01

Dodajemy tutaj patche dla Z520 R3J017 ;)

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ?????????? ?????? ????? ?? *.mp4
;???????? ?? ????????!
;Replacement extension of record video on *.mp4
;Quality does not vary!
;ver. 3
;???????? ????????? ?????????? mp4 ? VideoDJ
;???????? ????????? ???? ????????????? ???????? ??????????? ? VideoDJ
;Support mp4 extension now available in VideoDJ
;Support all extension of imported images now available in VideoDJ
;? Mobilefree
44252714: 3300670070 6D00700034
4425271E: 3300470050 4D00500034
4440D04A: 3300670070 2A00000000
4427E620: 3300670070 6D00700034
4440D056: 6A00700067 2A00000000

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????? ?????? (?????????-??????-???.????????-????? ???????-?? ??????), ?????????? ??????
;Turn whitelist to blacklist
;(?) the_laser
;(p) mobilefree.ru
44DB144C: BF41 FF43

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ???????? ??? SIM ?????
;?????????? ????????: ??????, ?????, ?????, ??????????, ??-????...
;?? ????????: ???, ???????, Bluetooth, ????????, ???????? ????...
;Work of phone without SIM cards
;It is works: Camera, Player, Radio, Organizer, IR-port...
;Does not work: java, browser, Bluetooth, Contacts, Activiti menu...
;(C) Mobilefree
;(p) kirill74rus
44B99E44: 0C1C 05E0

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????????????? "??????????" ??? ???
;Remove java security restrictions
;(?) the_laser
;(p) Mobilefree
45050E17: D0 E0
45050E1C: 00 01

;Z520i SW-R3J017
;????????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????? ???-????
;Disable setupwizard on simcard change
;? den_po
;(p) Mobilefree
44E75C90: 02D1 09E0

;Z520 R3J017
;????? ??? ???????/?????? DCU-60 ??? ???????
;??????????? ? ?????? "????? ??? ????????? ????, ?? ??????? ?? ????? ???????" !!!
;Vibra when conect or disconnect Dcu-60
;(C) Joker XT
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
297f98: D550E744 81D91F45
297fa0: B952E744 8DD91F45
11fd9d0: FFFFFFFF 99D91F45

;Z520i SW-R3J017
;????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??????
;Faster long filename scrolling
;(?) SiNgle
;(p) Mobilefree
44EBD336: FA21 4A21
44EBD422: FA21 4A21
44EBD51C: FA21 4A21
44EBD579: 0B 05

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????????? ???????? ?? ????????? ? ??????? ??????
;Decrease the keylock/light time twice
;(p)Adrian. Top Sony Team
E3AFA8: 2006000E 20060006 ;6
E374B6: FA218900 FA214900 ;73
10362D4: 8813 D007 ;from 5sec to 2sec

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;???????? ??????? ????? ? ????
;Replace Time <-> Date
;(p)Adrian.Top sony Team
E54E9E: 0B21 0C21
E54EA8: 0C21 0B21

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????? ? ???? ?????? ??????
;??????? ???? ?????????
;Time and Date move to up
;Replace operator logo -> Time and Date
;(p)Adrian. Top Sony Team
44E74E9E: 0B21 0321
44E74EA8: 0C21 0121

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;??????? ???????????
;???? ??????????? ???????????? ???????? ?????? ? ????????? ??????
;Hidden Features
;Will make it possible port by browser access to system files
;(c) Mobilefree
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
63E3BD: 68747470733A2F2F 66696C653A2F2F00

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????????????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????????
;?????? ??? ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????????
;Rename files with the extension
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
1094178: BA1B C046
1094288: 8CF0D8FA C046C046
109429A: 8CF0CFFA C046C046

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????? ??????? ???????? ??????? ??? ???????? ???
;Replace time sms sound
;(C) svinuk
;(p) kirill74rus
44F7B8E4: 10270000 60EA0000 ;60 sec
;44F7B8E4: 10270000 C8AF0000 ;45 sec
;44F7B8E4: 10270000 30750000 ;30 sec
;44F7B8E4: 10270000 204E0000 ;20sec

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????????? ??????? ? ????????
;Removing the timer in slideshow
;(c)Joker XT
;(p)Adrian.Top Sony Team
BE49EC: 4AF270FE C046C046
BE4B36: 4AF2AFFD C046C046
BE4B16: 4AF2DBFD C046C046
BE4BB6: 4AF26FFD C046C046

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? SIM-Lock
;Remove SIM-Lock
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) simox SIM_lock_remover patch generator v2.0
B1C33C: 70B5041C24F206FF00230022011C1C20 F0B505213A22D1F7B1FA0020F0BDC046

;Z520 R3J017
;?????? ????????? "????????! ??????? ?????? ?? ????????? ? ???" ????? ????????? 7-8 ??????? ?????????
;Remove "warning: loud ringtones could damage your hearing" message when you choose 7-8 volume level in settings
;(c)Phenomen aka SiNgle
;(p)Adrian.Top Sony Team
D01CA9: D3 E0

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ????????? "??????? ???????" ? "??????????"
;Remove messages "Quick charging" and "Is charged"
;(c) IronMaster
;(i) Joker XT
;(p) Adow
CF5C08: 0022 13E0 ; ?????? ?????? ????????? / only remove messages
;CF5C08: 0022 16E0 ; ?????? ????????? ? ???? / delete messages and sound

;Z520 R3J017
;?????? ????????? "??????? ??????? ???????"
;Clean the message "Background image changed"
;(c)Joker XT
;(p)Adrian.Top Sony Team
44E82ee4: 00F018F8 C046C046

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ????????? "????? ??? ????? ???"
;Remove "nosound" message when turn on silent mode
;(n) Phenomen
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
E5669C: 0021 14E0
D020FE: 09D1 09E0

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ????????? "????? ?? ??????? ? ???????" ? "????????? ? ??? ???????"
;Remove prompts: "Word not found in the dictionary" and "Added to word list" when using T9 in sms editor.
;(p)Adrian. Top Sony Team
E7847A: 00F051F802E0 C046C046C046
E790D4: FFF762FA C046C046

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ????????????? ??? ???????? ????? ????? bluetooth/etc
;Remove "accept file? (yes/no)" prompt when receiving files over bluetooth/etc.
44215A64: 2917 211A

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;??????????? ??????????????? ????? ??? ???????? ? ????.
;The possibility to photograph when java is started in a background.
;(p)Adrian.Top Sony Team
0F3AB34: 04D1 C046

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????????????? "??????????" ??? ???
;Remove java security restrictions
;(?) the_laser
;(p) Mobilefree
45050E17: D0 E0
45050E1C: 00 01

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;MP3 ? ???????? ????? ?? ??????????? ???????
;MP3 lowbattery system sound
;(n) Jimrus
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
3E371A: 6D00690064 6D00700033

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;??????? ????????? ???????? ????? ? ???????????
;?? ???, ??? ? ????? ?????? ??? ????????? ???????
;Smooth scrolling of a long filename in the media player
;(p)Adrian.Top Sony Team
DDC712: C82038800420 202038800120

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;???? ?? ????? ???????
;?????? ?????? ????????????????
;Main menu on any button
;(C) Joker XT
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
;442528EC: 91A1F544 916AD144 ; ?? ?????? "??????", on the "Camera"
;44299F60: 5953E744 916AD144 ; ?? ?????? "????????? +" ? ???. ????????
;4455DBD8: 0555E744 916AD144 ; ?? ?????? "????????? -" ? ???. ????????
;44299F70: 8954E744 916AD144 ; ?? ?????? "????????? +" ????. ???????
;4455DBE8: 8954E744 916AD144 ; ?? ?????? "????????? -" ????. ???????

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????????? ??????? ? ??????? ?????????
;??????? ??????? - ????. ????
;????? ???????? ????????? ??????????
;Control the player with the headset
;Long press - trace. track
;You need to enable voice control
;? SiNgle
4511C264: 072003F0FDFC 16F654FD26E0

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????????? ?????? ? ??????? ? ???????
;Improved work with files and folders
;?????????? ????? ????? ????? ?? 128 ???????? (???? 20)
;?????????? ????? ????????????????? ????? ?? 128 ???????? (???? 20)
;?????????? ???????????????? ????? ?? 128 ???????? (???? 20)
;Increase  the name of the new folder to 128 characters (was 20)
;Increase name of the renamed folders to 128 characters (was 20)
;Increase the name of the renamed file to 128 characters (was 20)
;Ver 2.0
;(c) mobilefree.ru
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
1093340: 1422 8022
109277A: 1422 8022
10941A4: 1422 8022
1094150: 1528 8128
1091860: 1428 8028
1091868: 1425 8025
10918E6: 142D 802D
109190A: 152E 812E
1091A78: 152E 812E

;Z520i SW-R3J017
;????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??????
;Faster long filename scrolling
;(?) SiNgle
;(p) Mobilefree
44EBD336: FA21 4A21
44EBD422: FA21 4A21
44EBD51C: FA21 4A21
44EBD579: 0B 05

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;??????????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????????
;Displays files with the extensions
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
10965F8: AA1B 2A1C

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;??????? ????????? ??????? mp3 ? ???????????
;Fast rewind long mp3 and videofiles
;? SiNgle
;(p) kirill74rus
44F2A704: 6421 0121
44F2A7E6: 6421 0121
44F3FD0C: 6421 0121
44F3FBEC: 6421 0121

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????? ????
;Heap shift! more stability for patches!
;(p)Adrian. Top Sony Team
;info 4 patchmakers: 4C262D14...4C272D13
;this info is firmware version dependent
b24c8e: 7F486860 7F498847
b24e8c: 00301100 FD464144
3f46fc: 637863313235303134335F45555F315F 0CB50649002301229203036004300439
3f470c: 5A425C4941522D41524D375C7372635C 013A002AF9D1286069600CBD00301100

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????????? ???????? ? ???? ??? ???. ? ????. ????
;Disable startup/shutdown sounds and images
;? Lemonato
44296B60: 53 54
44296B88: 53 54
4441534C: 53 54
44415372: 53 54

;Z520i SW-R3J017
;????????? ?????? ????????? ??? ????? ???-????
;Disable setupwizard on simcard change
;(c) den_po
;(p) Mobilefree
44E75C90: 02D1 09E0

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ????????? "????????? ???????" ??? ????????? ???
;Delete message "start java?"
;(C) -=Alex=-
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
F290B8: 094A 0BE0

;Z520i SW-R3J017
;????????? ??????? ?????? ??????????
;Disable external camera button
;(c) Mobilefree.ru
44F5A192: 1648 2AE0

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ???? ? ????
;Delete time and data
;Ver 1.0
;(p)Adrian. Top Sony Team
E54DFE: 8AF66FF9 C046C046 ; ????/Time
E54E0C: 8AF626F9 C046C046 ; ????/Date

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ????????? "??????? ???????: ..."
;Clear message "Changed Profile: ..."
;(c) -=Alex=-
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
E58EA6: 05D1 C046

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ????????? "???????:..." ??? ?????? ???????
;Clear message "Profile: ..." when choosing profile
;(C) Joker XT
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
EE892C: 37B5 30B5
EE892E: 0C1C 42E0

;Z520 R3J017
;?????? ?????? ? "????????? ???"
;Delete items(label) in "Phone status"
;(p)Adrian.Top Sony Team
44E7600A: 1BD1 1BE0 ; ????/Date
44E7618C: 1DD1 1DE0 ; ??????/Model
44E76220: 2CD0 2CE0 ; ??? ?????/My mobile

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????????? ??????? ????????????? ???????? ? ????????
;????? ???????? ?? 1 ???
;B80B - BB8=3000=3???
;E803 - 3E8=1000=1???
;Changing the scroll images in the slideshow
;Time changed to 1 sec.
;B80B - BB8 = 3000 = 3sec
;E803 - 3E8 = 1000 = 1sec
;(C) Joker XT
;(P) Adrian. Top Sony Team
BE49FC: B80B E803
BE4B28: B80B E803
BE4B54: B80B E803
BE4BC4: B80B E803

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;?????? ??????? ???? ? ??????
;?????????? <> ??????????
;Replacing menu items in Player
;EQ <> Information
;(C) Joker XT
;(P) Adrian. Top Sony Team
F0B368: B5BDF244250C 79BEF2441B0C
F0B378: 79BEF2441B0C B5BDF244250C

;Z520 SW-R3J017
;????? ????????? ????????????? ??????????? ? ????? ??????? (v2 - ????????? ????????????? ? ?? ????????)
;????? ?????:
;?????: b1b2b3b4b5 B1B2B3B4B5; ???????? ?????????????
;??? b1- b5 ???????????? ????????? ???????????? ?1 - 5 , ? B1 - B5 ???? ????????? (????????????? ???????? ??????)
;??????? ???????????????? ????????, ???????? ??????? ????? 8 (??????????? ????????? ???????? 20 DEC = 14 HEX)
;???????????: B1- ?????? ???????... ?2...?3...?4... ?5- ??????? ???????
;???????? ???????? ??: ???????- ? ???????- Mega Bass- ?????????????- ????????-
;Change of the EQ presets in media player (v2 - preset settings and names)
;Tendency of adjusting presets to HPM-70 (preset Portable HF) and MPS-70 (preset Speaker)
;Scheme of the patch:
;adress: b1b2b3b4b5 B1B2B3B4B5 ;preset name
;where b1 upto b5 are original band1-band5 and B1 upto B5 are yours (positive numbers only)
;input in HEX, it is possible to set more than 8 (max. in phone - eg. 20 DEC = 14 HEX)
;band1 are basses (first column) frequency goes higher to band5 (last column)
;(C) Adow
;(p) Adrian. Top Sony Team
62FE0F: 0000000000 0000000000 ;Normal
62FE14: 0500000003 0805020406 ;Bass
62FE19: 0E00000003 0E04010305 ;Mega Bass
62FE1E: 0000000600 090502060F ;Voice
62FE20: 0000000006 0A06010506 ;Trebles


Posted Image

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