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K770 R8BE001 Patche | Patches | ?????

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#1 OFFLINE   marmal215


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Posted 16 December 2011 - 19:22

Tylko patche. Żadnych pytań.

; K770 SW-R8BE001
;???? ? ???? ? ????...
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) Mika???
4509293C: 04D1 C046

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Vibration instead of sound focusing
;To the folder / tpa / preset / system / sound / an attached file focus.imy
;(c) toshay 
;(p) Mika???
2979E6: 630061006D0065007200610066006F006300750073002E003300670070 66006F006300750073002E0069006D0079000000000000000000000000

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Add menu on/off in flight mode
;? 2007KrasH
;(p) Mika???
12B83F0: 03D1 C046

;K770 SW-R8BE001
; Changing time sounding the alarm
;(c) demion
;(p) Mika???
136A34A: 2904090C 2900C046
136A35E: 2904090C 2900C046
DB7154: 60EA0000 FFFFFFFF;No limits

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;?????? ?????? ? ??????? ??????
;????? ????? ?????????? ?????????? ???????
;?? ??????? ????????
;Clear window on lock buttons
;Now no delay occurs immediately block 
;When locked immediately included sleep
;At no place screensaver
;v. 3
;? IronMaster
;(p) Mika???
454C9496: D0F7A5FD0020A0620021201C 201CFFF7CEFF00F02CF830BD

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Remove "nosound" message when turn on silent mode
;(c) SiNgle
;(p) Mika???
12B981A: 0021 06E0

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;?????????????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????????
;?????? ??? ???????????? ?????????? ?????? ??? ????? ??????? ??????????
;Renaming of the files together with extension
;? IronMaster
;(p) Mika???
EB0BAA: 721B 321C
EB0C70: 97F1CAFC C046C046
EB0C94: 97F1B8FC C046C046

;K770 R8BE001
;Change Gui of Video Player to Fullscreen
;Recommeded to apply "Get the Video settings of Videoplayer in Filemanager" too, so you can watch Fullscreen in File Manager too
;? yener90
;(p) Mika???
4508BC2E: 307B012804D1F078002801D1A06B7CE1 0421A06B0DF14FFCA06BE5F0B0F8A06B
4508BC3E: A06B 7BE1

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;? ????-?????????-?????-??????? ????-???? GSM/3G ?????????? ????? "?????? 3G"
;In Menu-Settings-Connectivity-Mobile Networks-GSM/3G networks appears "Only 3G"
;(c) Sic
;(p) Mika???
DC80FA: 17D1 C046

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;No exit from sleepmode after connecting/disconnecting headphones
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mika???
12DC21F: D4 E0
12DC2C0: 0D FF

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;????? ??? ?????????
;Radio without headsets
;(?) SiNgle
;(p) Mika???
45246B05: D1 E0

;K770 R8BE001
;change style of menu
;like a2
;(p) MIka???
137B528: 0E27 0927
;02 = lista
;03 = lista2
;04 = landscape
;05 = vista 5x5
;06 = vista 3x5
;07 = vista 3x3
;08 = vista 2x2
;09 = center
;0F = left

; K770 SW-R8BE001 
; Remove the limitation of maximum (<img src='http://sony.yt/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' /> and minimum (-<img src='http://sony.yt/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' /> values in the manual to configure the equalizer 
; ????? ??????????? ???????????? (<img src='http://sony.yt/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' /> ? ??????????? (-<img src='http://sony.yt/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' /> ???????? ? ?????? ????????? ???????????
; v.1.0fix 
; ? MaPkiZzz aka Vital 
; (p) Mika???
F372A2: D5D3 C046 
F3733A: 70D0 C046

;K770 SW-R8BE001
; Move SMS to Memory Stick
; system/messaging/sms/db/me -> card/other/sms
; ? markross
; (e) Boysie99
; (p) Mika???
175135E: 730079007300740065006D002F006D00 63006100720064002F006F0074006800
175136E: 6500730073006100670069006E006700 650072002F0073006D00730000000000
175137E: 2F0073006D0073002F00640062002F00 00000000000000000000000000000000
175138E: 6D0065 000000

;k770 SW-R8BE001 
;?????? ????? /card/system/ams -> /tpa/user/other/j
;?????? ???? ? ?????????? ??????????? ?? ???????? ? ?? ????? ?????????? 
;????? ????????? ???? ?? ???? ?????? ?????? ?????, ?????????? ?????????? ????? ?????? ???. 
;???? ? ?????????? ??????????????? ?????? ? ????????.
;? Mobilefree 
174FBA4: 2F0063006100720064002F00730079007300740065006D002F0061006D00730000 2F007400700061002F0075007300650072002F006F0074006800650072002F006A

;K770 R8BE001
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) Mika???
12CD224: C943 C143
12CD162: C943 C143
12CCF9A: C943 C143
;K770 SW-R8BE001
;replace time sms sound
;(C) svinuk
;(p) Mika???
45187F20: 10270000 FFFFFFFF ;no limit

;K770 R8BE001
;Return to the standby mode, while keeping the buttons Aktiviti
;Original idea by Sic
;(c) Tartes
;(p) Mika???
453E43A8: 5A20 5348

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Remove SnoozeAlarm
;Now, when you alarm immediately is disabled
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Mika???
DB7958: CD7AEF4410270000 1D7AEF4400000000

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Reducing the time display indicator on. Track
;(c) Alex aka Kgn 
;(p) Mika???
12AED10: FA214901 7D210901

;K770 SW R8BE001
;long press to exit from java directly
;After you long ago in Java applications are closed
;Minimize and close dont get displayed
;(c) zapret007
;(p) Mika???
141AAB4: 58A48D45 34D28D45

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Get the Video setings of Videoplayer in Filemanager
;? yener90
;(p) Mika???
F4B188: 30D1 C046

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;enable all java permissions settings (+"never ask")
;(c) den_po
;(p) Mika???
453B1674: 027B 0222

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;????? ??????? ????????? ??????? ???? ??????
;Faster long filename scrolling
;? SiNgle
;(p) Black_Dragon
130FFAC: FA21 4A21
131006C: FA21 4A21
1310138: FA21 4A21
1310180: 0B 05

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;???????? ??????????? ???????? java-?????????? 
;? IronMaster 
;(p) Black_Dragon 
E847AC: 9847051C 00250D60

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;??????????? ????????? ???? ??? ????????????????
;????????? ????? "??? ?????" ? ???? ?????? ????? ??????? ??????
;possibility to disable shutter sound
;(c) yener90
;(p) Black_Dragon
29703E: 2F 00
1AF36A0: D202 C120

;K770 R8BE001
;??????????? ??????????? ????????? ?????? ? ???/???? ??????????? ?????? ? ????????? ??????
;(!) ??? ????????? ????????? ??????????? ?????? ?? ???????????
;(c) E1kolyan
;(p) Black_Dragon
12CD224: C943 C143
12CD162: C943 C143
12CCF9A: C943 C143

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;??????????? ??????? ????? 1000 ???
;Possibility to store more SMS (was 1000)
;(c) demion
;(p) Black_Dragon
;113A766: FA229200 7D221201; 2000 SMS
113A766: FA229200 FA221201; 4000 SMS
;113A766: FA229200 9D229201; 10000 SMS

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;???????? ????? "?????? ??????????" ?? ????????? ????
;(c) yener90
;(p) Black_Dragon
1200856: 2DD0 C046
1200C84: F1B5AD4DAB4881B0 004B1847A1631645
1200E58: 70B50C1C0021201C 004B184749656145
17A5124: F90D0000 930E0000
17A5194: FA0D0000 3E190000

; K770 SW-R8BE001
; ????????????? "??????????" ??? ???
; Remove java security restrictions
; (?) the_laser
; (p) Black_Dragon
1270687: D0 E0
1270692: 00 01

;K770 SW-R8BE001
; ????????? ??????? ?????????? ??????.
; ? xFoX
; (p) Black_Dragon
1B9C000: 45005F003200350052 45005F003200320042 ; E_22B
;1B9C000: 45005F003200350052 45005F003200300042

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;????????? ????? ???????? ??? ???????? ??????
;????????? ????????? ?????????? ? ? ?????????? ???????????? ????? ????
FD0546: 3221 4021
FD0548: FA20 1020

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Changing font color in the player
;Changed the names of songs in the player, the numbers of songs on the list,
;seconds to play (interface) and the font color in the player menu. Changed to dark blue.
;In "Photoshop'e", for example, find the value of the desired color in the NEH, for example B5FFAC.
;To swap the first and third bytes so: ACFFB5, and box up in the patch.
;Value FF (4 th byte) - this alfakanal (transparency).
;With the value of FF - completely opaque, with 00 - fully transparent
;? OmgGG, demion
;(p) Black_Dragon
F3CBF4: 1B1B1BFF FFFFFFFF ;player interface
123632C: 282828FF FFFFFFFF ;Menu
123633C: 191919FF 005CFFFF ;Title Menu

;?????? ?????? ?? ?????? ?? SMS
103A061: B5 47

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Delete folder conversations (My Friends)
;? Crystal
;(p) Black_Dragon
1AA7F98: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1AA7FCC: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1AA9308: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1AA933C: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1AAC470: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1AAC4AC: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1AADB44: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
1AADB78: 2F0063006F006E0076006500720073006100740069006F006E0073 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

; K770 SW-R8BE001
; Edit file information 
; Now in the "Location:" the full path to the file 
; ? Joker XT 
; (p) Black_Dragon
EC9114: 044900B5BFF752F9002800D001200006 FEB5061C7CF756FA021C0021301C5DF1
EC9124: 000E00BD 2BFCFEBD
EB3C06: 0028 03E0

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;????? GUI ???? ????????? ??????
;Change list menu GUI
;(c) Therion
;(p) Black_Dragon
1313B7C: 0021 0121

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;Usuwa informacj? "Nie znaleziono s?owa w s?owniku" oraz "Dodano do listy wyraz?w"
;? Joker XT
;(p) Black_Dragon
12EDEEE: 00F055F802E0 C046C046C046
12EEBE0: FFF724FA C046C046

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;No exit from sleepmode after connecting/disconnecting headphones
;(c) IronMaster
;(p) Black_Dragon
12DC21F: D4 E0
12DC2C0: 0D FF

;K770 R8BE001
;????? ??????????? ?? ???????????/??????????? ??????,??????? ?????? ??????????
;Remove copy/replace files with different extensions restriction
;? 2007KrasH
;(P) Black_Dragon
EC6006: A5D1 A5E7 ;???????????/Copy
EC5F4A: 03D1 03E0 ;???????????/Replace

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;??????????? ???????? ?????? ???????? ??? ???????????? SIM-?????
;(c) KrasH
;(p) Black_dragon
62196C: 09D0 09E0

;K770 R8BE001
;permanent sms character remainder counter
;(c) den_po
;(p) Black_Dragon
;(i) you have to increase layout.xml/StringInputInfo/STRING_INPUT_STATUS_COUNTER_WIDTH
10F341C: 1528 A128
10F342A: 584903A808239B1ECA5AC252FBD16846 6B461B7803A206210E98C7F296F92AE0
10F343A: 00780A216B4637F7 FFFF250064000000

;K770 R8BE001
;Remove message when changing wallpaper
;only works if phone doesn't ask standard or maximized option
;Ver 2
;(c) Joker XT
;(p) Black_Dragon
12D6C16: 00F019F8 C046C046

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;?????? ?????? WAP ?????? ? ?????????? TPA
;???????? ????? ??????? ???????? ?????: [url="http://mobilefree.ru/%22file:/tpa/preset/log.txt/%22"]file:///tpa/preset/log.txt[/url]
;????? ?????? ???? ?????? ? ????? ????????? ???????? ?? ????? ??????????? ??? ?????? wap ????????
; usb -> tpa
;(c) Zormax aka mobilefree
;(p) Black_Dragon
1B72285: 757362 747061

;K770 SW-R8BE001
;??????????? ?????? ?????? ? ???????????
;Displays files with the extension
;? IronMaster
;(p) Black_Dragon

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